Geodetic Parameters

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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
geographic 2D NAD83(FBN) Open 8860 geographic 2D USA - FBN EPSG In Continental US, American Sa… September 17, 2019
geocentric NAD83(HARN Corrected) Open 8543 geocentric Caribbean - Puerto Rico and US… EPSG In PRVI replaces NAD83(HARN) =… July 17, 2018
geographic 3D NAD83(HARN Corrected) Open 8544 geographic 3D Caribbean - Puerto Rico and US… EPSG Note: this CRS includes POSITI… September 17, 2019
geographic 2D NAD83(HARN Corrected) Open 8545 geographic 2D Caribbean - Puerto Rico and US… EPSG Note: this CRS includes POSITI… September 17, 2019
geographic 2D NAD83(HARN) Open 4152 geographic 2D USA - HARN EPSG In CONUS, AK, HI and PRVI repl… September 17, 2019
geocentric NAD83(HARN) Open 4956 geocentric USA - HARN EPSG In CONUS and Hawaii replaces N… August 29, 2018
geographic 3D NAD83(HARN) Open 4957 geographic 3D USA - HARN EPSG In CONUS and Hawaii replaces N… September 17, 2019
projected NAD83(HARN) / Alabama East Open 2759 projected USA - Alabama - SPCS - E EPSG Replaces NAD83 / SPCS for appl… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Alabama West Open 2760 projected USA - Alabama - SPCS - W EPSG Replaces NAD83 / SPCS for appl… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arizona Central Open 2762 projected USA - Arizona - SPCS - C EPSG State law defines system in In… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arizona Central (ft) Open 2868 projected USA - Arizona - SPCS - C EPSG State law defines system in In… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arizona East Open 2761 projected USA - Arizona - SPCS - E EPSG State law defines system in In… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arizona East (ft) Open 2867 projected USA - Arizona - SPCS - E EPSG State law defines system in In… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arizona West Open 2763 projected USA - Arizona - SPCS - W EPSG State law defines system in In… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arizona West (ft) Open 2869 projected USA - Arizona - SPCS - W EPSG State law defines system in In… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arkansas North Open 2764 projected USA - Arkansas - SPCS - N EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arkansas North (ftUS) Open 3441 projected USA - Arkansas - SPCS - N EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arkansas South Open 2765 projected USA - Arkansas - SPCS - S EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Arkansas South (ftUS) Open 3442 projected USA - Arkansas - SPCS - S EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / California Albers Open 3311 projected USA - California EPSG Replaces NAD83 / California Al… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 1 Open 2766 projected USA - California - SPCS - 1 EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 1 (ftUS) Open 2870 projected USA - California - SPCS - 1 EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 2 Open 2767 projected USA - California - SPCS - 2 EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 2 (ftUS) Open 2871 projected USA - California - SPCS - 2 EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 3 Open 2768 projected USA - California - SPCS - 3 EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 3 (ftUS) Open 2872 projected USA - California - SPCS - 3 EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 4 Open 2769 projected USA - California - SPCS - 4 EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 4 (ftUS) Open 2873 projected USA - California - SPCS - 4 EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 5 Open 2770 projected USA - California - SPCS83 - 5 EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 5 (ftUS) Open 2874 projected USA - California - SPCS83 - 5 EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 6 Open 2771 projected USA - California - SPCS - 6 EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / California zone 6 (ftUS) Open 2875 projected USA - California - SPCS - 6 EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Colorado Central Open 2773 projected USA - Colorado - SPCS - C EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Colorado Central (ftUS) Open 2877 projected USA - Colorado - SPCS - C EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Colorado North Open 2772 projected USA - Colorado - SPCS - N EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Colorado North (ftUS) Open 2876 projected USA - Colorado - SPCS - N EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Colorado South Open 2774 projected USA - Colorado - SPCS - S EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Colorado South (ftUS) Open 2878 projected USA - Colorado - SPCS - S EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Connecticut Open 2775 projected USA - Connecticut EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Connecticut (ftUS) Open 2879 projected USA - Connecticut EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Conus Albers Open 5071 projected USA - CONUS - onshore EPSG Replaces NAD83 / Conus Albers… March 30, 2010
projected NAD83(HARN) / Delaware Open 2776 projected USA - Delaware EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Delaware (ftUS) Open 2880 projected USA - Delaware EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida East Open 2777 projected USA - Florida - SPCS - E EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida East (ftUS) Open 2881 projected USA - Florida - SPCS - E EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida GDL Albers Open 3087 projected USA - Florida EPSG Replaces NAD83 / Florida GDL A… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida North Open 2779 projected USA - Florida - SPCS - N EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida North (ftUS) Open 2883 projected USA - Florida - SPCS - N EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida West Open 2778 projected USA - Florida - SPCS - W EPSG State law defines system in US… April 20, 2007
projected NAD83(HARN) / Florida West (ftUS) Open 2882 projected USA - Florida - SPCS - W EPSG State law defines system in US… July 13, 2016
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
transformation Reunion 1947 to WGS 84 (2) Open 15751 transformation Reunion - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation Reykjavik 1900 to WGS 84 (1) Open 1994 transformation Iceland - mainland EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to Guadeloupe 1988 height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5503 transformation Guadeloupe - Grande-Terre and… EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to Guadeloupe 1988 height (2) Open 9133 transformation Guadeloupe - Grande-Terre and… EPSG Replaces RGAF09 to Guadeloupe… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 LS height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5506 transformation Guadeloupe - Les Saintes - ons… EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 LS height (2) Open 9134 transformation Guadeloupe - Les Saintes - ons… EPSG Replaces RGAF09 to IGN 1988 LS… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 MG height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5504 transformation Guadeloupe - Marie-Galante - o… EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 MG height (2) Open 9135 transformation Guadeloupe - Marie-Galante - o… EPSG Replaces RGAF09 to IGN 1988 MG… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 SB height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5508 transformation Guadeloupe - St Barthelemy - o… EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 SB height (2) Open 9187 transformation Guadeloupe - St Barthelemy - o… EPSG Accuracy 0.05m to 0.1m. Replac… January 17, 2023
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 SM height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5505 transformation Guadeloupe - St Martin - onsho… EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1988 SM height (2) Open 9188 transformation Guadeloupe - St Martin - onsho… EPSG Accuracy 0.05m to 0.1m. Replac… January 17, 2023
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 1992 LD height (1) Open 5507 transformation Guadeloupe - La Desirade - ons… EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to IGN 2008 LD height (1) Open 9131 transformation Guadeloupe - La Desirade - ons… EPSG Replaces RGAF09 to IGN 1992 LD… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to Martinique 1987 height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5502 transformation Martinique - onshore EPSG Replaces tfm from RRAF 1991, c… June 17, 2020
transformation RGAF09 to Martinique 1987 height (2) Open 9136 transformation Martinique - onshore EPSG Replaces RGAF09 to Martinique… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + Guadeloupe 1988 height (2) Open 9631 transformation Guadeloupe - Grande-Terre and… EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + IGN 1988 LS height (2) Open 9632 transformation Guadeloupe - Les Saintes - ons… EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + IGN 1988 MG height (2) Open 9633 transformation Guadeloupe - Marie-Galante - o… EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… February 10, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + IGN 1988 SB height (2) Open 9634 transformation Guadeloupe - St Barthelemy - o… EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + IGN 1988 SM height (2) Open 9635 transformation Guadeloupe - St Martin - onsho… EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + IGN 2008 LD height (1) Open 9636 transformation Guadeloupe - La Desirade - ons… EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… March 13, 2024
transformation RGAF09 to RGAF09 + Martinique 1987 height (2) Open 9637 transformation Martinique - onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGAF… February 5, 2021
transformation RGAF09 to WGS 84 (1) Open 5501 transformation Caribbean - French Antilles EPSG Approximation at the +/- 1m le… March 14, 2020
transformation RGF93 v1 to ETRS89 (1) Open 1591 transformation France EPSG RGF93 v1 is a national realiza… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v1 to NGF-IGN69 height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 10000 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG May be used for transformation… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v1 to NGF-IGN78 height (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 10002 transformation France - Corsica onshore EPSG May be used for transformation… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v1 to NTF (2) Open 15958 transformation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG Emulation using NTv2 method of… January 24, 2022
transformation RGF93 v1 to RGF93 v2 (1) Open 9882 transformation France EPSG Maximum differences are 0.1m i… November 4, 2021
transformation RGF93 v1 to WGS 84 (1) Open 1671 transformation France EPSG Approximation at the 1m level… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2 to ETRS89 (1) Open 9789 transformation France EPSG RGF93 v2 is a national realiza… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2 to NGF-IGN69 height (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8371 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Replaces ggf97a geoid model [R… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2 to NGF-IGN69 height (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8885 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Replaces RAF09 geoid model [RG… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2 to NGF-IGN78 height (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8372 transformation France - Corsica onshore EPSG Replaces ggf97a model (code 10… November 30, 2023
transformation RGF93 v2 to NTF (2) Open 9890 transformation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG Emulation of transformation NT… January 24, 2022
transformation RGF93 v2 to RGF93 v2 + NGF-IGN69 height (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9638 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGF9… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2 to RGF93 v2 + NGF-IGN78 height (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9639 transformation France - Corsica onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGF9… November 30, 2023
transformation RGF93 v2 to RGF93 v2b Open 9788 transformation France EPSG Derived at 465 permanent GNSS… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2 to WGS 84 (1) Open 9791 transformation France EPSG Approximation at the 1m level… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2b to ETRS89 (1) Open 9790 transformation France EPSG RGF93 v2b is a national realiz… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2b to NGF-IGN69 height (4) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9786 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Replaces RAF18 geoid model [RG… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2b to NGF-IGN69 height (5) Open 9876 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Replaces RAF18b geoid model [R… September 23, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2b to NGF-IGN78 height (3) Open 10506 transformation France - Corsica onshore EPSG Replaces RAC09 model [RGF93 v2… November 30, 2023
transformation RGF93 v2b to NTF (2) Open 9891 transformation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG Emulation of transformation NT… January 24, 2022
transformation RGF93 v2b to RGF93 v2b + NGF-IGN69 height (4) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9787 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGF9… September 8, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2b to RGF93 v2b + NGF-IGN69 height (5) Open 9877 transformation France - mainland onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGF9… September 23, 2021
transformation RGF93 v2b to RGF93 v2b + NGF-IGN78 height (3) Open 10508 transformation France - Corsica onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGF9… November 30, 2023
transformation RGF93 v2b to WGS 84 (1) Open 9792 transformation France EPSG Approximation at the 1m level… September 8, 2021
transformation RGFG95 to NGG1977 height (1) Open 10011 transformation French Guiana - onshore EPSG May be used for transformation… February 5, 2021
transformation RGFG95 to RGFG95 + NGG1977 height (1) Open 9630 transformation French Guiana - onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to RGFG… February 5, 2021
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v6 [SUPERSEDED] Open 8676 point motion operation 1; Canada - onshore north of 6… EPSG File initially published as cv… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v7 [SUPERSEDED] Open 9483 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG File initially published with… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v8 Open 10707 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG Replaces Canada velocity grid… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Indonesian Deformation Model 2020 Open 9375 point motion operation Indonesia EPSG Estimates dynamic component of… August 29, 2020
point motion operation New Caledonia velocity model 2015 Open 10323 point motion operation New Caledonia - Belep, Grande… EPSG March 31, 2023
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Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
concatenated operation Accra to WGS 84 (2) Open 8571 concatenated operation Ghana - offshore EPSG Can be implemented as a positi… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Amersfoort to ED50 (1) Open 4837 concatenated operation Netherlands - onshore EPSG Adopted by NAM in 2006, replac… April 22, 2015
concatenated operation ATRF2014 to GDA94 (2) Open 9685 concatenated operation Australia - onshore EPSG See ATRF2014 to GDA94 (1) (CT… January 18, 2021
concatenated operation Batavia (Jakarta) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8178 concatenated operation Indonesia - Bali, Java and wes… EPSG Accuracy 3m in each axis. March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Beduaram to WGS 84 (1) Open 8634 concatenated operation Niger - southeast EPSG Derived via WGS72BE. Can be us… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation BES2020 Saba to Saba + Saba height (1) Open 10755 concatenated operation BES Islands - Saba onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to BES2… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation BES2020 Saba to Saba height (1) Open 10675 concatenated operation BES Islands - Saba onshore EPSG This operation is not reversib… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation BES2020 Sint Eustatius to Sint Eustatius + Sint Eustatius height (1) Open 10756 concatenated operation BES Islands - Sint Eustatius -… EPSG Reversible alternative to BES2… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation BES2020 Sint Eustatius to Sint Eustatius height (1) Open 10754 concatenated operation BES Islands - Sint Eustatius -… EPSG This operation is not reversib… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation Bogota 1975 (Bogota) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8174 concatenated operation Colombia - mainland EPSG Accuracy 6m, 5m and 6m in X, Y… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Cais da Figueirinha height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10409 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Terceira… EPSG Offshore of Terceira island th… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Madalena height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10398 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Pico nea… EPSG Offshore of Pico island the Ze… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Pontinha height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10394 concatenated operation Portugal - Madeira and Deserta… EPSG Offshore of Madeira, Desertas… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Vila do Porto height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10411 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores E - Santa Ma… EPSG Offshore of Santa Maria and Fo… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Vila height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10395 concatenated operation Portugal - Porto Santo island… EPSG Offshore of Porto Santo island… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais das Velas height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10399 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - S Jorge… EPSG Offshore of S. Jorge island th… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Carthage (Paris) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8636 concatenated operation Tunisia - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Cascais height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10392 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - nearshor… EPSG The Zero Hidrografico (CD Port… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cascais height to ZH Portugal depth (2) Open 10393 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - nearshor… EPSG The Zero Hidrografico surface… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Chos Malal 1914 to WGS 84 (1) Open 8517 concatenated operation Argentina - Neuquen province A… EPSG May be implemented using a sin… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Deir ez Zor to WGS 84 (1) Open 8568 concatenated operation Syria - Deir area EPSG Can be implemented as a positi… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to ETRS89 (2) Open 8654 concatenated operation Europe - North Sea EPSG Taken from ED50 to WGS 84 (14)… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to WGS 84 (14) Open 8653 concatenated operation Europe - North Sea EPSG 1990 agreement between Denmark… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to WGS 84 (15) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8047 concatenated operation Norway - offshore north of 65°… EPSG Replaced by codes 8569 and 161… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to WGS 84 (21) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8569 concatenated operation Norway - offshore north of 65°… EPSG Included in Statens Kartverk p… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Egypt 1907 to WGS 84 (2) Open 8537 concatenated operation Egypt EPSG Used by Shell. May be implemen… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL to WGS 84 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8657 concatenated operation Egypt - Gulf of Suez EPSG Can be implemented as a single… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ETRS89 + Baltic 1957 height to ETRS89 + EVRF2007 height (1) Open 8363 concatenated operation Slovakia EPSG Recommended method for transfo… February 13, 2018
concatenated operation ETRS89 + DVR90(2002) height to ETRS89 + DVR90(2013) height (1) Open 10495 concatenated operation Denmark - onshore EPSG DVR90(2002) height and DVR90(2… November 30, 2023
concatenated operation ETRS89 + DVR90(2013) height to ETRS89 + DVR90(2023) height (1) Open 10496 concatenated operation Denmark EPSG For applications with accuraci… November 30, 2023
concatenated operation ETRS89 to Catania 1965 height (1) Open 9750 concatenated operation Italy - Sicily onshore EPSG May 26, 2021
concatenated operation ETRS89 to GHA height (2) Open 9499 concatenated operation Austria EPSG This concatenated operation gi… January 13, 2021
concatenated operation ETRS89 to S-JTSK (5) Open 8442 concatenated operation Slovakia EPSG Recommended method of a transf… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Garoua to WGS 84 (1) Open 8631 concatenated operation Cameroon - Garoua area EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation GDA94 to WGS 84 (G1762) (2) Open 9687 concatenated operation Australia - onshore EPSG See GDA94 to WGS 84 (G1762) (1… January 18, 2021
concatenated operation Greek (Athens) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8644 concatenated operation Greece - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Greek to WGS 84 (1) Open 8643 concatenated operation Greece - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation HKPD height to HKCD depth (1) Open 7983 concatenated operation China - Hong Kong - offshore EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation Horta height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10397 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Faial -… EPSG Offshore of Faial island the Z… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Indian 1960 to WGS 84 (1) Open 8532 concatenated operation Vietnam - offshore Cuu Long ba… EPSG May be implemented as a single… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ITRF2000 to NZGD2000 (1) Open 9092 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2005 to NZGD2000 (1) Open 9093 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9094 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9095 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 17, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9096 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (4) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9097 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 17, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (5) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9098 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (6) Open 9099 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2014 to GDA94 (2) Open 9683 concatenated operation Australia - onshore EPSG See ITRF2014 to GDA94 (1) (CT… January 18, 2021
concatenated operation ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9100 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
conversion EPSG Arctic LCC zone 6-28 Open 6046 conversion Arctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 4… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 20, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic LCC zone 6-30 Open 6047 conversion Arctic - 71°10'N to 66°10'N, 2… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 20, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic LCC zone 7-11 Open 6048 conversion Arctic - 67°50'N to 62°50'N, 5… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… March 30, 2013
conversion EPSG Arctic LCC zone 7-13 Open 6049 conversion Arctic - 67°50'N to 62°50'N, 4… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… March 30, 2013
conversion EPSG Arctic LCC zone 8-20 Open 5943 conversion Arctic - 64°30'N to 59°30'N, 5… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… March 30, 2013
conversion EPSG Arctic LCC zone 8-22 Open 5944 conversion Arctic - 64°30'N to 59°30'N, 4… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 19, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone A1 Open 5906 conversion Arctic - 87°N to 75°N, 156°W t… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone A2 Open 5907 conversion Arctic - 87°N to 75°N, 84°W to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone A3 Open 5908 conversion Arctic - 87°N to 75°N, 12°W to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone A4 Open 5909 conversion Arctic - 87°N to 75°N, 60°E to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone A5 Open 5910 conversion Arctic - 87°N to 75°N, 132°E t… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone B1 Open 5911 conversion Arctic - 79°N to 67°N, 156°W t… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone B2 Open 5912 conversion Arctic - 79°N to 67°N, 84°W to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone B3 Open 5913 conversion Arctic - 79°N to 67°N, 12°W to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone B4 Open 5914 conversion Arctic - 79°N to 67°N, 60°E to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone B5 Open 5915 conversion Arctic - 79°N to 67°N, 132°E t… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 2, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone C1 Open 5916 conversion Arctic - 71°N to 59°N, 156°W t… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone C2 Open 5917 conversion Arctic - 71°N to 59°N, 84°W to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 2, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone C3 Open 5918 conversion Arctic - 71°N to 59°N, 12°W to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… January 4, 2015
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone C4 Open 5919 conversion Arctic - 71°N to 59°N, 60°E to… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 2, 2012
conversion EPSG Arctic Regional LCC zone C5 Open 5920 conversion Arctic - 71°N to 59°N, 132°E t… EPSG May be defined using LCC (1SP)… December 2, 2012
conversion EPSG Canada Polar Stereographic Open 5902 conversion World - N hemisphere - north o… EPSG December 1, 2012
conversion EPSG example I=J+90 bin grid deriving conversion Open 32698 conversion enter here applicable extent EPSG Example of conversion part of… March 18, 2021
conversion EPSG example I=J-90 bin grid deriving conversion Open 32699 conversion enter here applicable extent EPSG Example of conversion part of… March 18, 2021
conversion EPSG Greenland Polar Stereographic Open 5903 conversion World - N hemisphere - north o… EPSG November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Norway Polar Stereographic Open 5904 conversion World - N hemisphere - north o… EPSG November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG Russia Polar Stereographic Open 5905 conversion World - N hemisphere - north o… EPSG November 24, 2012
conversion EPSG topocentric example A Open 15594 conversion Not specified EPSG Example only. November 1, 2007
conversion EPSG topocentric example B Open 15595 conversion Not specified EPSG Example only. November 1, 2007
conversion EPSG vertical perspective example Open 19850 conversion Not specified EPSG Example only. November 1, 2007
conversion Equal Earth Americas Open 8855 conversion World centred on 90°W EPSG January 16, 2020
conversion Equal Earth Asia-Pacific Open 8856 conversion World centred on 150°E EPSG January 16, 2020
conversion Equal Earth Greenwich Open 8854 conversion World EPSG October 5, 2018
conversion Equi7 projection - Africa Open 17771 conversion Africa - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for A… January 4, 2024
conversion Equi7 projection - Antarctica Open 17772 conversion Antarctica - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for A… January 4, 2024
conversion Equi7 projection - Asia Open 17773 conversion Asia - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for A… January 4, 2024
conversion Equi7 projection - Europe Open 17774 conversion Europe - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for E… January 4, 2024
conversion Equi7 projection - North America Open 17775 conversion North America - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for N… January 4, 2024
conversion Equi7 projection - Oceania Open 17776 conversion Oceania - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for O… January 4, 2024
conversion Equi7 projection - South America Open 17777 conversion South America - Equi7 EPSG Basis for the Equi7 grid for S… January 4, 2024
conversion Esperance Grid 1994 Open 10430 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG Replaced by ESP2020. July 17, 2023
conversion Esperance Grid 2020 Open 8001 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG April 20, 2018
conversion Estonian National Grid Open 19938 conversion Estonia EPSG Coordinates at the projection… September 29, 2005
conversion Europe Conformal 2001 Open 19985 conversion Europe - LCC & LAEA EPSG TMzn used for applications at… November 4, 2021
conversion Europe Equal Area 2001 Open 19986 conversion Europe - LCC & LAEA EPSG LCC (code 19985) used for conf… November 4, 2021
conversion EWR2-TM Open 9765 conversion UK - Oxford to Bedford EPSG In conjunction with transforma… July 16, 2021
conversion Exmouth Grid 1994 Open 10437 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG Replaced by EXM2020. July 17, 2023
conversion Exmouth Grid 2020 Open 8002 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG April 20, 2018
conversion Faroe Lambert Open 19870 conversion Faroe Islands - onshore EPSG August 4, 2006
conversion Faroe Lambert fk89 Open 19877 conversion Faroe Islands - onshore EPSG August 4, 2006
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
geodetic Abidjan 1987 Open 6143 geodetic Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG December 15, 2016
geodetic AbInvA96_2020 Intermediate Reference Frame Open 1273 geodetic UK - Aberdeen to Inverness EPSG Created in 2020 to support int… June 16, 2020
geodetic Accra Open 6168 geodetic Ghana EPSG Replaced in 1978 by Leigon dat… June 24, 2008
geodetic Aden 1925 Open 1135 geodetic Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG July 30, 2014
geodetic Adindan Open 6201 geodetic Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG The 12th parallel traverse of… April 22, 2015
geodetic Afgooye Open 6205 geodetic Somalia - onshore EPSG January 5, 2012
geodetic Agadez Open 6206 geodetic Niger EPSG June 2, 1995
geodetic Ain el Abd 1970 Open 6204 geodetic Asia - Middle East - Bahrain,… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical AIOC 1995 Open 5133 vertical Azerbaijan - offshore and Sang… EPSG AIOC 1995 datum is 1.7m above… February 12, 2002
geodetic Albanian 1987 Open 6191 geodetic Albania - onshore EPSG November 21, 2014
vertical Alboran Open 1363 vertical Spain - Alboran EPSG Orthometric heights. June 30, 2023
vertical Alicante Open 5180 vertical Spain and Gibraltar - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. July 24, 2020
geodetic American Samoa 1962 Open 6169 geodetic American Samoa - 2 main island… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002 Open 1125 vertical American Samoa - Tutuila islan… EPSG Replaces Tutuila vertical datu… December 14, 2020
geodetic Amersfoort Open 6289 geodetic Netherlands - onshore EPSG August 31, 2020
geodetic Ammassalik 1958 Open 6196 geodetic Greenland - Ammassalik area EPSG January 18, 2002
geodetic Ancienne Triangulation Francaise (Paris) Open 6901 geodetic France - mainland onshore EPSG Uses the RGS value for the Par… December 12, 2022
geodetic Anguilla 1957 Open 6600 geodetic Anguilla - onshore EPSG April 22, 1999
vertical Antalya Open 5173 vertical Turkey - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. November 26, 2004
geodetic Antigua 1943 Open 6601 geodetic Antigua - onshore EPSG April 22, 1999
geodetic Aratu Open 6208 geodetic Brazil - Aratu EPSG June 2, 1995
geodetic Arc 1950 Open 6209 geodetic Africa - Botswana, Malawi, Zam… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Arc 1960 Open 6210 geodetic Africa - Burundi, Kenya, Rwand… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Ascension Island 1958 Open 6712 geodetic St Helena - Ascension Island EPSG January 26, 2006
engineering Astra Minas Open 9300 engineering Argentina - Comodoro Rivadavia EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Astro DOS 71 Open 6710 geodetic St Helena - St Helena Island EPSG December 15, 2016
vertical Auckland 1946 Open 5157 vertical New Zealand - North Island - A… EPSG January 25, 2011
geodetic Australian Antarctic Datum 1998 Open 6176 geodetic Antarctica - Australian sector EPSG January 30, 2006
geodetic Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 Open 6202 geodetic Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Australian Geodetic Datum 1984 Open 6203 geodetic Australia - AGD84 EPSG Uses all data from 1966 adjust… June 24, 2008
vertical Australian Height Datum Open 5111 vertical Australia Christmas and Cocos… EPSG Normal-orthometric heights. In… August 31, 2020
vertical Australian Height Datum (Tasmania) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5112 vertical Australia - Tasmania mainland… EPSG April 20, 2018
dynamic geodetic Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 Open 1291 dynamic geodetic Australia - GDA EPSG Densification of ITRF2014 in t… August 31, 2020
vertical Australian Vertical Working Surface Open 1292 vertical Australia - GDA EPSG Normal heights. Extends gravit… August 29, 2020
geodetic Autonomous Regions of Portugal 2008 Open 1041 geodetic Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG Replaces older classical datum… March 30, 2010
geodetic Average Terrestrial System 1977 Open 6122 geodetic Canada - Maritime Provinces EPSG In use from 1979. To be phased… December 12, 2022
geodetic Ayabelle Lighthouse Open 6713 geodetic Djibouti EPSG January 26, 2006
geodetic Azores Central Islands 1948 Open 6183 geodetic Portugal - Azores C - onshore EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… June 24, 2008
geodetic Azores Central Islands 1995 Open 6665 geodetic Portugal - Azores C - onshore EPSG Classical and GPS observations… September 16, 2016
geodetic Azores Occidental Islands 1939 Open 6182 geodetic Portugal - Azores W - onshore EPSG December 30, 2005
geodetic Azores Oriental Islands 1940 Open 6184 geodetic Portugal - Azores E - onshore EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… August 14, 2003
geodetic Azores Oriental Islands 1995 Open 6664 geodetic Portugal - Azores E - onshore EPSG Classical and GPS observations… September 16, 2016
vertical Baltic 1957 Open 1202 vertical Europe - Czechoslovakia EPSG Uses Normal heights. December 25, 2017
vertical Baltic 1977 Open 5105 vertical Europe - FSU onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. Adjustmen… February 16, 2018
vertical Baltic 1980 Open 5185 vertical Hungary EPSG Uses Normal heights. March 9, 2004
vertical Baltic 1982 Open 5184 vertical Bulgaria - onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. March 9, 2004
vertical Baltic 1986 Open 1296 vertical Poland - onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. Adopted i… March 18, 2021
vertical Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 Open 1390 vertical Europe - Baltic Sea EPSG Realized at the national level… October 9, 2024
vertical Bandar Abbas Open 5150 vertical Iran - onshore EPSG Replaces Fao (datum code 5149)… March 1, 2010
geodetic Barbados 1938 Open 6212 geodetic Barbados - onshore EPSG June 30, 2011
Items per page: