1.1 Access to the API



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1.1 Access to the API

There are two ways to access the API:


  1. Directly from applications issuing HTTP(S) GET commands.
  2. Through an exposed Swagger interface. The Swagger interface is a web application that allows a user to test calls directly in a browser and determine the exact syntax for each given call before implementing in code.

The service itself returns JSON or XML and the format is exemplified in the Swagger interface. Another commonly used application for API exploring is Postman. Postman is an application/extension possibly more suited for use when the API structure and parameters are known, and an example is seen Figure 1. For the purposes of this document, we are going to use Swagger and not Postman.



Figure 1
Figure 1 – Using Postman to request GML for Transformation 9557.



The API base URL is: https://apps.epsg.org/api/.

The Swagger interface can be accessed at: https://apps.epsg.org/api/swagger/ui/index.