GML Schema




The EPSG GML schema have been updated to allow for the data model changes in the new Dataset. The revisions minimise changes from the previous v1 schema. They remain based on GML v3.2.1.  In GeoRepository the schema are used only to support GML export. Summary of changes:

- Additions for datum Conventional Reference System, Datum Ensemble, Derived Projected CRS, Dynamic Reference Frame, Frame Reference Epoch, datum Anchor Epoch, CRSs associated Geoid Model, Ordinal Coordinate System, Point Motion Operation, datum Realization Method and CRSs associated Velocity Model.



Details of data model changes to GML Schema
EPSG v2.3 XML schema

See here for changes to relational tables.

 - EPSG v1 schema supporting the epsg_area table have been removed, except for EPSG attributes extending 19115 EX_Extent for ISO country codes, and replaced by gmd:Extent. This is combined with Scope to define the ISO 19111:2019 Usage class.

- 19111:2019 deprecated realization epoch and replaced it with publication date. They have the same data type and cardinality. This EPSG implementation uses GML v3.2.1 gml:realizationEpoch to hold publicationDate data.