B. Example of JSON structure API call return
Appendix B. Example of JSON structure API call return
The below example of JSON structure API call return from Change endpoint can be easily mapped to the data exposed in Appendix A.
{ "Results": [ { "Code": 0, "Links": [ { "rel": "string", "href": "string" } ], "Name": "string", "Remark": "string", "DataSource": "string", "InformationSource": "string", "RevisionDate": "2021-04-06T08:24:36.928Z", "Deprecations": [ { "Id": 0, "Date": "2021-04-06T08:24:36.928Z", "ChangeId": 0, "ReplacedBy": { "Code": 0, "Name": "string", "href": "string" }, "Reason": "string" } ], "Supersessions": [ { "Id": 0, "SupersededBy": { "Code": 0, "Name": "string", "href": "string" }, "Year": 0, "Remarks": "string" } ] } ], "Count": 0, "Page": 0, "PageSize": 0, "TotalResults": 0, "Links": [ { "rel": "string", "href": "string" } ] } |
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