Change Request
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Change Request Details
Change Id: 2002.151
Report Date: March 6, 2002
Date Closed: June 22, 2002
Reporter: EPSG
Request: Add Indonesian data
Action: Deprecated datum 6125 6294, geog CRS 4125 4294 and tfm 1282 1286 and replaced them with 6613, 4613 and 1834 respectively. Added datum 6820, geogCRS 4820, tfm 1832-33 and 1835-37, naming system 7311. Added aliases to datum 6326, geogCRS 4326-28, projCRS 2309-10 2933-34 32646-52 32747-54, tfm 1248. Extended origin description for datum 6326. For tfm 1126 Changed version from DMA-Col to DMA-Idn BBI.
Tables Affected: Datum; Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation
Codes Affected: 6126 6294 6326; 4125 4294 4326-28 2309-10 32646-52 32747-54; 1126 1248 1282.