Change Request
GML Report Print View

Standard format: ITRFxx at epoch yyyy.y where ITRFxx uses geogCRS name, 'at epoch' written in English and yyyy.y = epoch year and fraction.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2006.77
Report Date: August 16, 2006
Date Closed: August 18, 2006
Reporter: OGP
Request: Standardise ITRF epoch references
Comment: Standard format: ITRFxx at epoch yyyy.y where ITRFxx uses geogCRS name, 'at epoch' written in English and yyyy.y = epoch year and fraction.
Action: For datum 6130, in origin description corrected epoch. For datums 6148 6151 6170 6180 6627 6659 6674 6686-87 6693 6702 6737 6747 and 6749, in origin description standardised format for epoch. For datums 6647-56, in origin description and remarks standardised format for epoch.
Tables Affected: Datum
Codes Affected: 6130 6148 6151 6170 6180 6627 6647-56 6659 6674 6686-87 6693 6702 6737 6747 6749