Change Request
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Change Request Details
Change Id: 2006.89
Report Date: October 5, 2006
Date Closed: January 3, 2007
Reporter: OGP
Request: Ensure transformation names following naming convention
Action: For tfms 1035, 1260, 1262, 1264-66, 1755-62, 1765, 1881-84, 1935-43, 1991, 5400, 5402-08, 5412-14, 15744 and 15747, added variant to tfm name. For tfm 1756, added variant to tfm name and alias. For tfms 1071-72, 1516 and 10087-88, added variant to alias. For tfm 1131, deleted variant from alias. For tfm 1311, transposed tfm name and alias. For tfm 1314, deleted Petroleum and added variant to tfm name, added previous name as alias. For deprecated tfm 8646, version added. For tfms 1158, 1444, 1887-88, 1965, 15794-96, 15798-99, 15801, 15803, 15805, 15807-11, 15813-14, 1586-20, 15822-23 and 15842, deleted variant number from NGA alias. For tfm 1965 amended remarks for alias 3112.
Tables Affected: Coordinate Operation
Codes Affected: 1071-72 1131 1158 1260 1262 1264-66 1311 1314 1444 1516 1755-62 1765 1881-84 1887-88 1935-43 1965 1991 5400 5402-08 5412-14 8646 10087-88 15744 15747 15794-96 15798-99 15801 15803 15805 15807-11 15713-14 15816-20 15822-23 15842