Change Request
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Area name field entries reduced in length for conciseness. Area of use field includes country names per ISO 3166, but if necessary modified for geodetic database usage.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2008.07
Report Date: July 5, 2008
Date Closed: September 24, 2008
Reporter: OGP
Request: Standardise country names
Comment: Area name field entries reduced in length for conciseness. Area of use field includes country names per ISO 3166, but if necessary modified for geodetic database usage.
Action: For areas 1055, 1084, 1092, 1134-35, 1148, 1161, 1200-02, 1219-20, 1243-45, 1264, 1323, 1330-34, 1337, 1363, 1372-1419, 1496-98, 1511, 1546-50, 1629, 1720-25, 1750, 1850, 2133-36, 2154-2225, 2228-50, 2252-74, 2297-98, 2373-74, 2377-83, 2387-90, 2392, 2394-98, 2412, 2424, 2527-30, 2792-2802, 2948-50, 2958-60, 2973-80, 2988-89, 3181-84, 3211, 3247, 3265-66, 3297-3300, 3318, 3325, 3357-60, 3372-75, 3482-3506, 3509 and 3530-33, amended name. For area 1109, 2828 and 2891, in area of use corrected spelling of La Desirade and Saint Barthélemy. For area 2893, in name and area of use corrected spelling of La Desirade. For area 1162 and 1211, in name and area of use, deleted 'republic'. For area 2602, in name and area of use, deleted 'occupied'. For areas 1228 and 3315, in area of use, changed 'province' to 'republic'. For area 2803, in name and area of use, deleted 'UK'. For area 3179, in area of use removed duplicated text.
Codes Affected: Numerous