Change Request
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Change Request Details
Change Id: 2011.053
Report Date: June 1, 2011
Date Closed: July 27, 2011
Reporter: OGP
Request: Add Brazil transformation data
Action: Added areas 3874, 3877-78, 3881, 3884 and 3887, naming system 1035, datums 1074-75, geogCRSs 5224 and 5527, projCRSs 5530-35, tfms 5525-6, 5528-29 and 5540-43. For area 1293 amended name. For datum 6225, amended name, origin and remarks, added alias and datum epoch. For CRS 4225, amended name and remarks, added alias and info source. For CRS 29101, changed area code from 1053 to 3845 and in remarks added replacement comments. For CRSs 22521-25 and tfm 1132, amended name, added alias and amended remarks. For area 1358, in description removed spurious space. For datum 6618 and CRSs 4618 and 29191-95, in remarks added replacement comments. For tfm 1877, amended area from code 1053 to 3845 and in remarks added replacement comments. For tfm 15485, amended area from code 1053 to 3845, added alias and in remarks added replacement comments. For datum 6674, CRSs 4674, 4988-99, 5396 and 31978-85, and tfms 4069, 5050-66 (even numbers only) and 15894, added Brazilean alias. For areas 1572-74, corrected name; for 1573 also amended description. For area 1816, amended south bounding latitude.
Tables Affected: Area; Datum; Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation
Codes Affected: 1293 1358 1572-74 1816; 6225 6618 6674; 4225 4618 4674 4988-89 5396; 22521-25 29101 29191-95 31978-85; 1132 1877 4069 5050 5052 5054 5056 5058 5060 5062 5064 5066 15485 15894