Change Request
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Includes revisions necessary for creation of South Sudan.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2012.001
Report Date: January 2, 2012
Date Closed: January 5, 2012
Reporter: OGP
Request: Amend Africa areas
Comment: Includes revisions necessary for creation of South Sudan.
Action: Added areas 3928-29, 3931, 3935 and 3942, CRS 5629. For area 1221, amended to exclude South Sudan. For areas 1271, 2825-27, 2830 and 3311, amended to include South Sudan. For tfm 1137, changed area code from 1086 to 2595. For tfm 1284, changed area code from 1132 to 3264. For tfm 1285, changed area code from 1230 to 3316. For tfms 1128-29 and 1504, changed area code from 1215 to 3309. For datum 6205, CRS 4205 and tfm 1107, changed area code from 1214 to 3308. For datum 6700 and CRS 4700, changed area code from 1157 to 3277. For proj 17412 and CRS 4048, changed area code from 3150 to 3937. For CRSs 3036-37, changed area code from 1540-41 to 3929 and 3931 respectively. For CRSs 3343-45, changed area code from 2969-71 to 3938-40. For areas 1540-41, 1554-55, 2969-71 and 3150, added 'onshore' to name and description.
Tables Affected: Area; Datum; Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation
Codes Affected: 1137 1221 1271 1554-55 2825-27 2830 2969-71 3150 3311; 6205 6700; 3343-45 4048 4205 4700; 1107 1128-29 1284-85 1504 17412