Change Request
GML Report Print View

Due to rounding of bounding box coordinates to two decimal places, some polygon extremities fell marginally outside of bounding boxes.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2014.018
Report Date: March 20, 2014
Date Closed: May 1, 2014
Reporter: Victor Minor; Blue Marble
Request: Ensure Area codes 2750-2999 BBoxes completely surround polygon
Comment: Due to rounding of bounding box coordinates to two decimal places, some polygon extremities fell marginally outside of bounding boxes.
Action: For areas 2750-52, 2754-58, 2760, 2763-64, 2766-67, 2769-97, 2799-2815, 2817-29, 2831-40, 2842-43, 2845-79, 2881-2902, 2905-07, 2912, 2920-21, 2936, 2939, 2942, 2947-49, 2951, 2953-74, 2976, 2979-86 and 2988-90, bounding box coordinates increased outwards to fully envelope polygons.
Tables Affected: Area
Codes Affected: 2750-52 2754-58 2760 2763-64 2766-67 2769-97 2799-2815 2817-29 2831-40 2842-43 2845-79 2881-2902 2905-07 2912 2920-21 2936 2939 2942 2947-49 2951 2953-74 2976 2979-86 2988-90