Change Request
GML Report Print View

Change Request Details
Change Id: 2014.029
Report Date: April 23, 2014
Date Closed: June 27, 2014
Reporter: Brady Callahan; Oregon Parks and Recreation
Request: Amend US Oregon data
Action: Added datum 1133, CRSs 6781-83, 6867-68 and 6884-87, transformations 6864-66. For proj 13633 and CRSs 2991, 2993, 3643 and 6556, amended name, info source, scope and remarks to indicate that these metric definitions not used by State agencies. For proj 15374 and CRSs 2992, 2994, 3644 and 6557, in remarks removed reference to metric version. For CRSs 6317-19 and 6558-61, amended remarks to include reference to CORS96. For tfms 1900, 1901 and 1946 changed accuracy from 0.1 to 1m and amended remarks.
Tables Affected: Coordinate Operation; Coordinate Reference System
Codes Affected: 1900-01 1946 13633 15374; 2991-94 3643-44 6317-19 6556-61