Action: |
For transformations 1070, 1080, 1100-07, 1109-11, 1113-14, 1116-18, 1120, 1122-28, 1130-45, 1148, 1151-57, 1159-93, 1195-1209, 1225-28, 1230-34, 1245-55, 1284-85, 1290-91, 1293-94, 1304-05, 1307, 1444, 1518, 1542-43, 1547, 1556, 1558, 1561, 1577, 1581, 1614, 1797, 1864-76, 1880, 1885-88, 1897, 1916, 1923, 1956, 1965, 3962, 3998, 15497, 15713, 15751-52, 15790, 15794-99, 15801-18, 15819-20, 15822-28, 15842, 15996-99, added alias. For transformation 1235, added alias and corrected information source. For transformation 1892, added alias and information source. For transformations 1108, 1121, 1256, 1951, 15800 and 15897, added alias and supplemented remarks. For transformation 15965, amended alias naming system. For transformations 1203, 1204 and 1868, in remarks added replacement information. |