Change Request
GML Report Print View

Change Request Details
Change Id: 2015.069
Report Date: December 17, 2015
Date Closed: July 13, 2016
Reporter: Mark Greaves; OSGB
Request: Add UK transformations
Action: Added areas 4390-91, datum 1164, CRS 7707 and transformations 7708-19. For datums 5101, 5130-31, 5138, 5140, 5144, 5147-48 and 6277 and CRSs 5701, 5741, 5743-45 and 5747-48, revised remarks. For transformations 1039, 5334-35, 5338-39, 10021, 10023-27, 10029-34 and 15956 changed status from valid to retired. For areas 1244, 1264, 2792-93, 2795, 2799 and 2802-03, made minor changes to polygon and bounding box.
Tables Affected: Datum; Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation; Area
Codes Affected: 5101 5130-31 5138 5140 5144 5147-48 6277; 5701 5741 5743-45 5747-48; 1039 5334-35 5338-39 10021 10023-27 10029-34 15956; 1244 1264 2792-93 2795 2799 2802-03