Change Request
GML Report Print View

Change Request Details
Change Id: 2019.03
Report Date: May 9, 2019
Date Closed: May 17, 2019
Reporter: IOGP
Request: Update country names
Action: For areas 1079 and 1148, amended name and description and added former name as alias. For areas 1321 1711-12, 2066 and 2370, in description amended name of North Macedonia. For areas 1284, 1299, 1306, 1513-14, 1792, 2064, 3574, 3576-78, 3580-82, 3594, 3900, and 4450-56, in description amended name of Czechia. For areas 2830, 2881, in description amended names of Czechia and North Macedonia. For area 1298, in description amended names of Czechia and North Macedonia; removed Ukraine to make description consistent with polygon. For methods 1041 and 9819, in formula updated country name. For naming systems 1042 and 1045, in description updated country name.
Tables Affected: Area; Coordinate Operation Method; Naming System
Codes Affected: 1079 1148 1284 1298-99 1306 1321 1513-14 1711-12 2066 2370 1792 2064 2830 2881 3574 3576-78 3580-82 3594 3900 4455-56; 1041 9819; 1042 1045