Action: |
For CRSs 2176-80, 2196-98, 2213, 3034-35, 3040-49, 3067, 3108-09, 3126-38, 3145, 3416, 3447, 3763, 3812, 3873-85, 4093-4100, 4647, 4839, 5248, 5105-30, 5649-53, 5942, 5945-76, 6069-74, 6125, 6144-76, 7409, 7416-20, 7423, 25828-37 and 25884, transformations 1041, 1066, 1078, 1098, 1149, 1309, 1331, 1437, 1449, 1588, 1591, 1611, 1619, 1622, 1626, 1628, 1630, 1632, 1634, 1638, 1642, 1644, 1646-48, 1650-53, 1655, 1657, 1659, 1661, 1663, 1674, 1751, 1775-76, 1778-80, 1783, 1829, 1878, 1953, 1992, 1997, 3914, 4078, 4827, 4829-31, 5036-40, 5226, 5239, 5260, 5334-35, 5338, 5483, 5485, 5584, 5661, 6188-89, 6946-48, 7714-17, 7913, 7958-59, 10001, 10003, 10023-27, 10030-34, 10098, 15739-40, 15867-68, 15932, 15948 and 15977 and concatenated operation 8654, removed EPSG aliases for ETRF89 and EUREF. For transformation 1589, removed EPSG aliases for ETRF89 and EUREF and corrected names for parameters 3 and 4. For area 1298, change name from 'Europe - ETRS89' to 'Europe - ETRF by country'. |