Change Request
GML Report Print View

Change Request Details
Change Id: 2023.042
Report Date: July 18, 2023
Date Closed: June 26, 2024
Reporter: IOGP
Request: Add MSL NL and LAT NL hydroid models.
Action: Added transformations 10466 and 10467. Updated CRSs 9287 and 9288 with their defining operation. For datum 1270 amended remarks. For datum 1290 corrected realization method from geoid to tidal. For transformations 10350 and 10351 corrected extent. For extents 1044, 1103, 1172, 1244, 1275, 1296, 1299, 1347, 1629, 2326, 2342, 2420, 2421, 2861, 3339, 3594, 3904, 4566, 4608, 4609, 4668 and 4742, amended polygon. For extents 1624, 1630, 1634, 1635, 2330, 2541, 2860, 2879, 3703 and 3892, amended polygon and bounding box. Clarified scope 1086 (used by CT 7000) to be approximate, and scope 1051 (used by CT 9282) to be exact. For transformation 9282, amended accuracy. For CRSs 4289, 9287 and 9288, added defining operation.
Tables Affected: Datum; Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation; Extent
Codes Affected: 1270 1290; 4289 9287 9288; 7000 9282 10350 10351; 1044 1103 1172 1244 1275 1296 1299 1347 1624 1629 1630 1634 1635 2326 2330 2342 2420 2421 2541 2860 2861 2879 3339 3594 3703 3892 3904 4566 4608 4609 4668 4742