Change Request
GML Report Print View

In practice the use of the term "DVR90" has been ambiguous, initially meaning specifically the first realization then later becoming any realization without distinction. Changes to datum 5206 and CRS 5799 recognise this change in use of this term.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2023.058
Report Date: October 12, 2023
Date Closed: November 30, 2023
Reporter: Kristian Evers; SDFI
Request: Add Danish data
Comment: In practice the use of the term "DVR90" has been ambiguous, initially meaning specifically the first realization then later becoming any realization without distinction. Changes to datum 5206 and CRS 5799 recognise this change in use of this term.
Action: Added datums 1368-1370, datum ensemble 1371, CRSs 10482-10488, methods 1123-1124, transformations 10489-10494, and concatenated operations 10495-10496. For CRS 5799, changed datum 5206 to datum ensemble 1371, amended name, remarks and info source, added alias. For datum 5206, amended name, abbreviation, publication date, remarks and info source, added previous name as an alias. Note: vertical datum 5206, previously used by CRS 5799, now used by CRS 10482.
Tables Affected: Datum; Coordinate Reference System
Codes Affected: 5206; 5799