Change Request
GML Report Print View

Change Request Details
Change Id: 2011.055
Report Date: June 21, 2011
Date Closed: June 30, 2011
Reporter: OGP
Request: Amend Europe areas
Action: For areas 1284, 1296, 1299, 1321, 1326-27, 1354, 1513-14, 1536-38, 1646, 1709-12, 1731-34, 1792, 2343, 2423, 2531-33, 2370, 2851-53, 3471, 3574, 3576-89, 3594, 3631-32 and 3694, amended name and/or description to include onshore. For areas 2988-89, amended description and added ISO codes. Deprecated duplicate areas 3532-33. For areas 3538-39, amended description to include offshore. For coordinate operation 1136, amended area code from 1078 to 3236 (onshore). For coordinate operations 3963-64, amended area code from 1076 to 3234 (onshore). For datum 6133, CRSs 3300 and 4133 and coordinate operations 1331-34 and 5203, amended area code from 1090 to 3246 (onshore). For datum 6123, CRS 4123 and coordinate operations 1638-39 and 10098-99, amended area code from 1095 to 3333 (onshore). Added area 3886; for proj 18180 and CRS 3386 amended area code from 3092 to 3886. For tfm 8186, amended area code from 1096 to 3694. For datums 6120-21 and 6815, CRSs 2100, 4120-21 and 4815 and coordinate operations 1140, 1272, 1761, 1891 8643-44 and 19930, amended area code from 1106 to 3254 (onshore).
Tables Affected: Area; Datum; Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation
Codes Affected: 1284 1296 1299 1321 1326-37 1354 1513-14 1536-38 1646 1709-12 1731-34 1792 2343 2370 2423 2531-33 2851-53 2988-89 3471 3532-33 3538-39 3574 3576-89 3594 3631-32 3694; 6123 6133; 3300 3386 4123 4133; 1136 1331-34 1638-39 3963-64 5203 8186 10098-99 18180