Change Request
GML Report Print View

GML values for western hemisphere prime meridians corrupted in change request 2013.052 (September 2013). Date of corruption of CS63 projections uncertain but possibly June 2009. Affects registry only - Access db and SQL scripts not impacted.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2014.04
Report Date: June 26, 2014
Date Closed: June 27, 2014
Reporter: Jim Dunn; Blue Marble
Request: Correct corrupted GML sexagesimal degree values
Comment: GML values for western hemisphere prime meridians corrupted in change request 2013.052 (September 2013). Date of corruption of CS63 projections uncertain but possibly June 2009. Affects registry only - Access db and SQL scripts not impacted.
Action: For projections 18441-44, 18446-48 and 18450-52 and prime meridians 8902, 8904, 8905 and 8909, corrected sign for latitude of origin in GML. (For projections 3999, 5268, 5276-91, 5312-14, 5595 and 6716-19, in GML added missing hemisphere to sexagesimal value for equator. For projections 3853, 16611, 17322, 17324, 17326-32, 17334-44, 17700, 17703-11, 17794-95, 18004-09, 18044-46, 18223, 18285, 18401, 18411-17, 18441-44, 18446-48, 18450-52, 19839, 19876, 19901, 19923, 19929, 19954-55, 19967 and 19991, in GML changed sign of hemisphere in sexagesimal value for equator. Both of these actions do not affect the value of zero).
Tables Affected: Coordinate Operation; Prime Meridian
Codes Affected: 18441-44 18446-48 18450-52; 8902 8904 8905 8909