Change Request
GML Report Print View

GUI software updated to v2.4.11. The codes of aliases for the affected entities exceeded 32766 between the later of v8.3.4 of 2014-02-15 or date first released and v8.5.4 of 2014-09-17. The codes of the entities themselves are unaffected.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2014.065
Report Date: September 15, 2014
Date Closed: September 18, 2014
Reporter: OGP
Request: Ensure alias codes are within reserved code range
Comment: GUI software updated to v2.4.11. The codes of aliases for the affected entities exceeded 32766 between the later of v8.3.4 of 2014-02-15 or date first released and v8.5.4 of 2014-09-17. The codes of the entities themselves are unaffected.
Action: For Coordinate Reference Systems 6696-97, 6867-68, 6870, 6875-76, 6879-80, 6884-87, 6915, 6922 and 6924, Coordinate Operations 6739, 6864, 6872, 6877-78, 6888-91, 6895-6914, 6920-21 and 15875, Coordinate Operation Methods 1034, 1039, 1061-63 and 9636, and Datums 1133 and 1140, changed alias codes with code value exceeding 32767 to be within range 1024-32766.
Tables Affected: Coordinate Reference System; Coordinate Operation; Coordinate Operation Method; Datum
Codes Affected: 6696-97 6867-68 6870 6875-76 6879-80 6884-87 6915 6922 6924; 6739 6864 6872 6877-78 6888-91 6895-6914 6920-21 15875; 1034 1039 1061-63 9636;1133 1140