Change Request
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Alaska onshore, Gulf of Mexico OCS and Northern Mariana islands added to area 1337.Open
Change Request Details
Change Id: 2018.017
Report Date: April 10, 2018
Date Closed: August 29, 2018
Reporter: IOGP
Request: Add US Nadcon5 transformations
Comment: Alaska onshore, Gulf of Mexico OCS and Northern Mariana islands added to area 1337.
Action: Added parameter 1058, methods 1074-75, areas 4515, 4516 and 4525, datums 1211-12, CRSs 8449 and 8541-45 and transformations 8546-59, 8561 and 8660-73. For datum 6152, added datum anchor information and amended remarks. For datums 1117-18 and CRSs 4759, 4892, 4893 and 6320-25, amended remarks. For CRSs 4152 and 4956-57, added aliases and amended remarks. For datum 6675 and CRS 4675, changed area code from 3255 to 4525. For area 1337, amended description, remarks, polygon and bounding box.
Tables Affected: Area; Datum; Coordinate Reference System
Codes Affected: 1337; 1117-18 6152 6675; 4152 4675 4759 4892-93 4956-57 6320-25