Geog3D to Geog2D+Depth (gtx)
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Geog3D to Geog2D+Depth (gtx) Open
Coordinate Operation Method Details [VALID]
Name: Geog3D to Geog2D+Depth (gtx)
Code: 1122
Operation is Reversible: Yes
Formula: Note: These formulas have been transcribed from EPSG Guidance Note #7-2. Users are encouraged to use that document rather than the text which follows as reference because limitations in the transcription will be avoided.

This method transforms coordinates between a geographic 3D CRS and a compound CRS consisting of separate geographic 2D and vertical CRSs. The transformation is three-dimensional and reversible.

A transformation using this operation method consists of two parts:
a) The transformation of coordinates from the geographic 3D to or from the geographic 2D CRS;
b) The transformation of ellipsoidal height to or from depth.

However, complexities arise if the source 3D and horizontal component of the target compound CRS are based on different geodetic datums. To account for any offset between and non-parallelism of the ellipsoid surfaces, the method is entirely dependent upon a suitable three-dimensional transformation existing between the geographic 3D and geographic 2D CRSs, and this may not always be the case. For this reason the general case is considered to be out of scope here and this method is restricted to circumstances where the source geographic 3D CRS and the target geographic 2D CRS are both based on the same geodetic datum, i.e. the horizontal component of the compound CRS is the two-dimensional subset of the geographic 3D CRS. This geographic 2D CRS is also the CRS used for interpolation of the geoid model file grid.

Forward transformation from geographic 3D to compound
Because of the restriction above, latitude and longitude of the point in the source CRS do not change as a result of the transformation; therefore φt = φs and λt = λs, where the subscripts 's' and ‘t’ indicates the coordinates in the source and target CRSs respectively.

The vertical component of the forward transformation is as for the Geographic3D to Depth (gtx) method, code 1109. The method requires that the ‘Interpolation CRS’ - the horizontal CRS to which the grid containing the hydroid heights (ζ) are referenced - to be specified. That will be the geographic 2D CRS which is both the horizontal subset of the geographic 3D CRS and the horizontal component of the compound CRS. The unit of measure in which the geoid heights are given is part of the file format definition.

The forward case is straightforward:
φt = φs
λt = λs
Then using (φ, λ) for interpolation for the geoid height at the point,
D = ζ – h
where D is depth below tidal surface, ζ is height offset from ellipsoid to tidal surface and h is ellipsoid height.

In a marine context,
D = (Dobs – hobs) + ζ

Reverse transformation from compound to geographic 3D
For the reverse case the height offset ζ is first interpolated using the geographic 2D coordinates (φ, λ).
φt = φs
λt = λs
h = H + ζ
h = ζ + (Dobs – D)
where h and ζ are heights and D is depth.
Example: For coordinate transformation: ETRS89 to ETRS89 + CD Norway depth.
The Interpolation CRS is ETRS89 geographic 2D, CRS code 4258.

A point in the geographic 3D coordinate reference system ETRS89, code 4937, with:
latitude φ = 60°00'05.4"N = +60.0015°
longitude λ = 4°59'45.6"E = +4.9960°
ellipsoidal height h = 50.000m
has an observed water depth Dobs of 12.00m

This is converted to the geographic 2D coordinate reference system ETRS89, code 4258, as:
point for interpolation: φ = +60.0015° λ = +4.9960°

To find its CD Norway depth, first obtain the hydroid height (ζ) at each of the surrounding grid nodes:
NW node φ = +60.005° λ = +4.990° ζ = +43.885m
NE node φ = +60.005° λ = +5.000° ζ = +43.887m
SE node φ = +60.000° λ = +5.000° ζ = +43.882m
SW node φ = +60.000° λ = +4.990° ζ = +43.880m

Use bi-linear interpolation in ETRS89, code 4258, to obtain the hydroid height (ζ):
ζ = +43.8827m which rounded to three decimal places gives ζ = +43.883m

Then the depth D below CD Norway = (Dobs – hobs) + ζ = (12.00 − 50.000) + 43.883 = +5.883m

The coordinates in compound CRS "ETRS89 + CD Norway depth", code 9883, are:
latitude φ = 60°00'05.4"N
longitude λ = 4°59'45.6"E
CD Norway depth D = +5.883m

For the reverse transformation to find the ellipsoidal ETRS89 height, first obtain the hydroid height at each of the surrounding grid nodes and use bi-linear interpolation in ETRS89 to obtain the hydroid height (ζ) at the point, as for the forward computation above:
point φ = +60.0015° λ = +4.9960° ζ = +43.883m

Then the ETRS89 ellipsoidal height h = ζ + (Dobs – D) = 43.883 + 12.000 – 5.883 = 50.000m

The coordinates in geographic 3D coordinate reference system ETRS89, code 4937, are:
latitude φ = +60.0015°N = 60°00'05.400"N
longitude λ = +4.9960° = 4°59'45.600"E
ellipsoidal height h = 50.000m

Parameter Name Parameter Code Sign reversal Parameter Description
Geoid (height correction) model file 8666 Yes The name of the [path and] file containing height offsets. "Geoid model" is used loosely in the parameter name. If the offset is between the ellipsoid and the geoid then the offset will be the geoid separation N. When the offset is between the ellipsoid and a realisation of the geoid through a vertical datum then the offsets C will form a height correction surface. A height correction surface differs from a geoid model by small amounts due to the difference between the geoid and the actual datum surface as well as some other assumptions regarding the gravity field.
EPSG code for Interpolation CRS 1048 No The EPSG code for the CRS that should be used to interpolate gridded data.