Geodetic Parameters

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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
projected PRS92 / Philippines zone 3 Open 3123 projected Philippines - zone III EPSG Replaces Luzon 1911 / Philippi… June 24, 2008
projected PRS92 / Philippines zone 4 Open 3124 projected Philippines - zone IV EPSG Replaces Luzon 1911 / Philippi… December 24, 2004
projected PRS92 / Philippines zone 5 Open 3125 projected Philippines - zone V EPSG Replaces Luzon 1911 / Philippi… December 24, 2004
vertical PRVD02 height Open 6641 vertical Puerto Rico - onshore EPSG Replaces all earlier vertical… September 17, 2019
geographic 2D PSAD56 Open 4248 geographic 2D South America - PSAD56 by coun… EPSG Incorporates La Canoa (CRS cod… January 25, 2011
projected PSAD56 / ICN Regional Open 2317 projected Venezuela - onshore EPSG February 12, 2002
projected PSAD56 / Peru central zone Open 24892 projected Peru - 79°W to 73°W EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / Peru east zone Open 24893 projected Peru - east of 73°W EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / Peru west zone Open 24891 projected Peru - west of 79°W EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 17N Open 24817 projected South America - 84°W to 78°W,… EPSG July 1, 2005
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 17S Open 24877 projected South America - 84°W to 78°W,… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 18N Open 24818 projected South America - 78°W to 72°W,… EPSG In Venezuela also known as La… June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 18S Open 24878 projected South America - 78°W to 72°W,… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 19N Open 24819 projected South America - 72°W to 66°W,… EPSG In Venezuela also known as La… June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 19S Open 24879 projected South America - 72°W to 66°W,… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 20N Open 24820 projected South America - 66°W to 60°W,… EPSG In Venezuela also known as La… June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 20S Open 24880 projected Bolivia - 66°W to 60°W EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 21N Open 24821 projected South America - 60°W to 54°W,… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 21S Open 24881 projected Bolivia - east of 60°W EPSG July 13, 2010
projected PSAD56 / UTM zone 22S Open 24882 projected Brazil - Amazon cone shelf EPSG April 22, 1999
geographic 2D PSD93 Open 4134 geographic 2D Oman - onshore EPSG Replaced Fahud geogCRS (code 4… November 7, 2008
projected PSD93 / UTM zone 39N Open 3439 projected Oman - onshore west of 54°E EPSG Replaced Fahud / UTM zone 39N… April 7, 2004
projected PSD93 / UTM zone 40N Open 3440 projected Oman - onshore east of 54°E EPSG Replaced Fahud / UTM zone 40N… April 7, 2004
compound PSHD93 Open 7410 compound Oman - onshore EPSG June 5, 2001
geocentric PTRA08 Open 5011 geocentric Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG March 30, 2010
geographic 3D PTRA08 Open 5012 geographic 3D Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG March 30, 2010
geographic 2D PTRA08 Open 5013 geographic 2D Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG Replaces Azores Occidental 193… March 14, 2010
projected PTRA08 / LAEA Europe Open 5633 projected Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG At applicable scales and usage… July 17, 2019
projected PTRA08 / LCC Europe Open 5632 projected Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG At applicable scales (1:500,00… July 17, 2019
projected PTRA08 / UTM zone 25N Open 5014 projected Portugal - Azores - west of 30… EPSG Replaces Azores Occidental 193… March 30, 2010
projected PTRA08 / UTM zone 26N Open 5015 projected Portugal - Azores 30°W to 24°W EPSG Replaces Azores Oriental 1995… March 31, 2010
projected PTRA08 / UTM zone 28N Open 5016 projected Portugal - Madeira and EEZ E o… EPSG Replaces Porto Santo 1995 / UT… March 30, 2010
geographic 2D Puerto Rico Open 4139 geographic 2D Caribbean - Puerto Rico and Vi… EPSG NAD27 (CRS code 4267) used for… May 20, 2014
projected Puerto Rico / St. Croix Open 3992 projected Virgin Islands, US - onshore EPSG Sometimes erroneously referred… September 5, 2009
projected Puerto Rico / UTM zone 20N Open 3920 projected Virgin Islands, British - onsh… EPSG NAD27 / UTM zone 20N (code 267… September 5, 2009
projected Puerto Rico State Plane CS of 1927 Open 3991 projected Puerto Rico - onshore EPSG Sometimes erroneously referred… September 5, 2009
geographic 2D Pulkovo 1942 Open 4284 geographic 2D Europe - FSU onshore EPSG Extended to Eastern Europe thr… September 24, 2008
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 102E Open 2610 projected Russia - 100.5°E to 103.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 105E Open 2611 projected Russia - 103.5°E to 106.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… July 22, 2006
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 108E Open 2612 projected Russia - 106.5°E to 109.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 111E Open 2613 projected Russia - 109.5°E to 112.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… July 22, 2006
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E Open 2614 projected Russia - 112.5°E to 115.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 117E Open 2615 projected Russia - 115.5°E to 118.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… July 22, 2006
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 120E Open 2616 projected Russia - 118.5°E to 121.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 123E Open 2617 projected Russia - 121.5°E to 124.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… July 22, 2006
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 126E Open 2618 projected Russia - 124.5°E to 127.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 129E Open 2619 projected Russia - 127.5°E to 130.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… July 22, 2006
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 132E Open 2620 projected Russia - 130.5°E to 133.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 135E Open 2621 projected Russia - 133.5°E to 136.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… July 22, 2006
projected Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 138E Open 2622 projected Russia - 136.5°E to 139.5°E on… EPSG Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942… June 22, 2002
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
transformation Abidjan 1987 to WGS 84 (1) Open 1470 transformation Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG Derived in Abidjan for use in… March 14, 2020
transformation Abidjan 1987 to WGS 84 (2) Open 6872 transformation Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -… EPSG Derived and used by Western Ge… March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 72BE (1) Open 1570 transformation Ghana - offshore EPSG Derived be single point Transi… October 19, 2000
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (1) Open 1569 transformation Ghana EPSG Derived at 3 common points. March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (3) Open 15495 transformation Ghana - offshore EPSG Derived via WGS 72BE. Found in… March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (4) Open 6896 transformation Ghana - onshore EPSG Derived at 4 stations. Accurac… March 14, 2020
transformation Aden 1925 to WGS 84 (1) Open 6910 transformation Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG Derivation not given. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (1) Open 1100 transformation Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG Derived at 22 stations. Accura… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (2) Open 1101 transformation Burkina Faso EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (3) Open 1102 transformation Cameroon - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (4) Open 1103 transformation Ethiopia EPSG Derived at 8 stations. Accurac… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (5) Open 1104 transformation Mali EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (6) Open 1105 transformation Senegal - onshore EPSG Derived at 2 stations connecte… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (7) Open 1106 transformation Africa - South Sudan and Sudan… EPSG Derived at 14 stations. Accura… March 14, 2020
transformation Afgooye to WGS 84 (1) Open 1107 transformation Somalia - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to GDA2020 (1) Open 9185 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG This transformation is for use… June 28, 2019
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (1) Open 1278 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Given to greater precision but… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (10) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1596 transformation Australia - SE Australia (ACT… EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 (5) (c… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (11) Open 1803 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 varian… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (12) Open 15979 transformation Australia - offshore EPSG Use only offshore: onshore, tr… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (19) Open 5827 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG Replaces nationally-derived tr… January 28, 2012
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1458 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 19, 2018
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1459 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaced in 2000 by AGD66 to G… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (4) Open 1460 transformation Australia - New South Wales an… EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (5) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1464 transformation Australia - Victoria EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (10… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (6) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1506 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (11… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (7) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1507 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (11… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (8) Open 1594 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 (3) (c… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (9) Open 1595 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5662 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived at 25 stations in 2007… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (2) Open 6937 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Derived in 2014 at 38 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (3) Open 6938 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Derived in 2014 at 38 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (4) Open 6939 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived in 2014 at 23 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (5) Open 6940 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived in 2014 at 23 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (6) Open 6941 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Derived in 2014 at 7 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (7) Open 6942 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Derived in 2014 at 7 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1108 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Derived at 105 stations. Accur… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (12) Open 1665 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (13) Open 1666 transformation Australia - New South Wales an… EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (14) Open 1667 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (15) Open 1668 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (16) Open 15788 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (17) Open 15786 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (18) Open 15980 transformation Australia - offshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (19) Open 5841 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived at 25 stations in 2007… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (20) Open 6905 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Derived at 161 stations. Accur… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (21) Open 6943 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (22) Open 6944 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (23) Open 6945 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD84 to GDA94 (1) Open 1279 transformation Australia - AGD84 EPSG Derived at 327 stations. May b… April 20, 2018
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v6 [SUPERSEDED] Open 8676 point motion operation 1; Canada - onshore north of 6… EPSG File initially published as cv… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v7 [SUPERSEDED] Open 9483 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG File initially published with… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v8 Open 10707 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG Replaces Canada velocity grid… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Indonesian Deformation Model 2020 Open 9375 point motion operation Indonesia EPSG Estimates dynamic component of… August 29, 2020
point motion operation New Caledonia velocity model 2015 Open 10323 point motion operation New Caledonia - Belep, Grande… EPSG March 31, 2023
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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (73) Open 8626 concatenated operation USA - Utah EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (74) Open 8627 concatenated operation USA - Virginia EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (75) Open 8628 concatenated operation USA - West Virginia EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (76) Open 8629 concatenated operation USA - Wisconsin EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (77) Open 8630 concatenated operation USA - Wyoming EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (78) Open 8647 concatenated operation Canada - Atlantic offshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NGO 1948 (Oslo) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8639 concatenated operation Norway - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NGVD29 height (ftUS) to NAVD88 height (1) Open 7973 concatenated operation USA - CONUS west of 107°W - on… EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation NGVD29 height (ftUS) to NAVD88 height (2) Open 7974 concatenated operation USA - CONUS 89°W-107°W - onsho… EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation NGVD29 height (ftUS) to NAVD88 height (3) Open 7975 concatenated operation USA - CONUS east of 89°W - ons… EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation Nord Sahara 1959 to WGS 84 (3) Open 8562 concatenated operation Algeria - Hassi Messaoud EPSG Derived at IGN monument CFP19… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NTF (Paris) to ED50 (1) Open 8186 concatenated operation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG May 12, 2018
concatenated operation NTF (Paris) to RGF93 v1 (1) Open 9337 concatenated operation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG See transformation code 7811 f… September 8, 2021
concatenated operation NTF (Paris) to RGF93 v1 (2) Open 7811 concatenated operation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG Second step is an emulation (u… September 8, 2021
concatenated operation NTF (Paris) to WGS 72 (1) Open 8188 concatenated operation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG May 12, 2018
concatenated operation NTF (Paris) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8094 concatenated operation France - onshore - mainland an… EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Old Hawaiian to NAD83(HARN) (1) Open 8508 concatenated operation USA - Hawaii - onshore EPSG Uses NADCON method which expec… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation Old Hawaiian to WGS 84 (2) Open 8582 concatenated operation USA - Hawaii - onshore EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Palestine 1923 to WGS 84 (2) Open 8650 concatenated operation Asia - Middle East - Israel an… EPSG Accuracy: 1m to north and 10m… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Ponta Delgada height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10410 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores E - S Miguel… EPSG Offshore of S. Miguel island t… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Poolbeg height (ft(Br36)) to Belfast height (1) Open 7967 concatenated operation UK - Northern Ireland - onshor… EPSG January 17, 2023
concatenated operation Poolbeg height (ft(Br36)) to Malin Head height (1) Open 7965 concatenated operation Europe - Ireland (Republic and… EPSG January 17, 2023
concatenated operation PSD93 to WGS 84 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8581 concatenated operation Oman - onshore EPSG Replaced by PSD93 to WGS 84 (1… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Puerto Rico to NAD83(HARN) (1) Open 4435 concatenated operation Caribbean - Puerto Rico and US… EPSG Accuracy 0.1m at 67% confidenc… August 15, 2009
concatenated operation Puerto Rico to WGS 84 (2) Open 8583 concatenated operation Caribbean - Puerto Rico and US… EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Santa Cruz da Graciosa height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10400 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Graciosa… EPSG Offshore of Graciosa island th… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Santa Cruz das Flores height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10396 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores W - Flores,… EPSG Offshore of Flores and Corvo i… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Segara (Jakarta) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8641 concatenated operation Indonesia - Kalimantan E EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation S-JTSK (Ferro) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8642 concatenated operation Czechia EPSG Replaced by S-JTSK (Ferro) to… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation S-JTSK (Ferro) to WGS 84 (2) Open 5230 concatenated operation Slovakia EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation S-JTSK (Ferro) to WGS 84 (3) Open 5242 concatenated operation Czechia EPSG Parameter values from S-JTSK/0… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation S-JTSK to ETRS89 (6) Open 8443 concatenated operation Slovakia EPSG Recommended method of a transf… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation S-JTSK/05 (Ferro) to WGS 84 (1) Open 5240 concatenated operation Czechia EPSG Replaces S-JTSK (Ferro) to WGS… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation SRGI2013 + INAGeoid2020 v1 height to SRGI2013 + INAGeoid v2 height (1) Open 10616 concatenated operation Indonesia EPSG In central Java INAGeoid2020 v… March 16, 2024
concatenated operation Tananarive (Paris) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8176 concatenated operation Madagascar - onshore EPSG Accuracy not available. March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Tananarive (Paris) to WGS 84 (2) Open 6874 concatenated operation Madagascar - onshore EPSG Used by OMV. March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Tokyo 1892 to KGD2002 (1) Open 5190 concatenated operation Korea, Republic of (South Kore… EPSG July 17, 2023
concatenated operation Tokyo 1892 to WGS 84 (1) Open 5192 concatenated operation Korea, Republic of (South Kore… EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Tokyo to JGD2011 (1) Open 6714 concatenated operation Japan - northern Honshu EPSG See Tokyo to JGD2011 (2) (code… March 10, 2014
concatenated operation Vientiane 1982 to WGS 84 (1) Open 8651 concatenated operation Laos EPSG Can be implemented as a geocen… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Voirol 1875 (Paris) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8211 concatenated operation Algeria - north of 32°N EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Yoff to WGS 84 (1) Open 8633 concatenated operation Senegal EPSG Derived via WGS72. Can be used… March 14, 2020
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
conversion Lambert zone I Open 18081 conversion France - mainland north of 48.… EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion Lambert zone II Open 18082 conversion France - mainland 45.45°N to 4… EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion Lambert zone III Open 18083 conversion France - mainland south of 45.… EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion Lambert zone IV Open 18084 conversion France - Corsica onshore EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion Lambert-93 Open 18085 conversion France EPSG June 21, 2022
conversion Lancelin Coastal Grid 1994 Open 10444 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG Replaced by LCG2020. July 17, 2023
conversion Lancelin Coastal Grid 2020 Open 8009 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG July 17, 2023
conversion Latvian Transverse Mercator Open 19990 conversion Latvia EPSG June 27, 2003
conversion LCC Germany Open 4838 conversion Germany - onshore EPSG Variant for Germany of LCC Eur… March 1, 2010
conversion Leticia urban grid Open 6223 conversion Colombia - Leticia city EPSG May 18, 2013
conversion Levant Stereographic Open 19949 conversion Asia - Middle East - Lebanon a… EPSG Used prior to World War II for… October 20, 1999
conversion Levant Zone Open 19940 conversion Asia - Middle East - Lebanon a… EPSG Replaced by projection using f… April 22, 1999
conversion Lhuentse TM Open 5280 conversion Bhutan - Lhuentse district EPSG September 7, 2010
conversion Libya TM Open 18319 conversion Libya EPSG August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 10 Open 18315 conversion Libya - 18°E to 20°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 10 (code 1… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 11 Open 18316 conversion Libya - 20°E to 22°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 11 (code 1… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 12 Open 18317 conversion Libya - 22°E to 24°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 12 (code 1… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 13 Open 18318 conversion Libya - east of 24°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 13 (code 1… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 5 Open 18310 conversion Libya - west of 10°E EPSG Replaces Libya zone 5 (code 18… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 6 Open 18311 conversion Libya - 10°E to 12°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 6 (code 18… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 7 Open 18312 conversion Libya - 12°E to 14°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 7 (code 18… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 8 Open 18313 conversion Libya - 14°E to 16°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 8 (code 18… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya TM zone 9 Open 18314 conversion Libya - 16°E to 18°E onshore EPSG Replaces Libya zone 9 (code 18… August 24, 2006
conversion Libya zone 10 Open 18245 conversion Libya - 18°E to 20°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 10 (… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 11 Open 18246 conversion Libya - 20°E to 22°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 11 (… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 12 Open 18247 conversion Libya - 22°E to 24°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 12 (… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 13 Open 18248 conversion Libya - east of 24°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 13 (… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 5 Open 18240 conversion Libya - west of 10°E EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 5 (c… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 6 Open 18241 conversion Libya - 10°E to 12°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 6 (c… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 7 Open 18242 conversion Libya - 12°E to 14°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 7 (c… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 8 Open 18243 conversion Libya - 14°E to 16°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 8 (c… March 7, 2000
conversion Libya zone 9 Open 18244 conversion Libya - 16°E to 18°E onshore EPSG Replaced by Libya TM zone 9 (c… March 7, 2000
conversion Lindis Peak 2000 Open 17953 conversion New Zealand - South Island - L… EPSG Replaces Lindis Peak Circuit (… January 25, 2011
conversion Lindis Peak Circuit Open 17923 conversion New Zealand - South Island - L… EPSG Replaced Imperial measure circ… January 25, 2011
conversion Lithuania 1994 Open 19934 conversion Lithuania EPSG March 12, 1998
conversion Local coordinate system of Cherkasy region Open 9817 conversion Ukraine - Cherkasy oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Chernihiv region Open 9819 conversion Ukraine - Chernihiv oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Chernivtsi region Open 9818 conversion Ukraine - Chernivtsi oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Crimea region Open 9797 conversion Ukraine - Crimea EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Dnipropetrovsk region Open 9800 conversion Ukraine - Dnipropetrovsk oblas… EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Donetsk region Open 9801 conversion Ukraine - Donetsk oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Ivano-Frankivsk region Open 9805 conversion Ukraine - Ivano-Frankivsk obla… EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Kharkiv region Open 9815 conversion Ukraine - Kharkiv oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Kherson region Open 9816 conversion Ukraine - Kherson oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Kirovohrad region Open 9806 conversion Ukraine - Kirovohrad oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Kyiv Open 9796 conversion Ukraine - Kyiv city and oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Luhansk region Open 9807 conversion Ukraine - Luhansk oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Lviv region Open 9808 conversion Ukraine - Lviv oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Mykolaiv region Open 9809 conversion Ukraine - Mykolaiv oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
conversion Local coordinate system of Odessa region Open 9810 conversion Ukraine - Odessa oblast EPSG October 4, 2021
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
geodetic Abidjan 1987 Open 6143 geodetic Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG December 15, 2016
geodetic AbInvA96_2020 Intermediate Reference Frame Open 1273 geodetic UK - Aberdeen to Inverness EPSG Created in 2020 to support int… June 16, 2020
geodetic Accra Open 6168 geodetic Ghana EPSG Replaced in 1978 by Leigon dat… June 24, 2008
geodetic Aden 1925 Open 1135 geodetic Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG July 30, 2014
geodetic Adindan Open 6201 geodetic Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG The 12th parallel traverse of… April 22, 2015
geodetic Afgooye Open 6205 geodetic Somalia - onshore EPSG January 5, 2012
geodetic Agadez Open 6206 geodetic Niger EPSG June 2, 1995
geodetic Ain el Abd 1970 Open 6204 geodetic Asia - Middle East - Bahrain,… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical AIOC 1995 Open 5133 vertical Azerbaijan - offshore and Sang… EPSG AIOC 1995 datum is 1.7m above… February 12, 2002
geodetic Albanian 1987 Open 6191 geodetic Albania - onshore EPSG November 21, 2014
vertical Alboran Open 1363 vertical Spain - Alboran EPSG Orthometric heights. June 30, 2023
vertical Alicante Open 5180 vertical Spain and Gibraltar - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. July 24, 2020
geodetic American Samoa 1962 Open 6169 geodetic American Samoa - 2 main island… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002 Open 1125 vertical American Samoa - Tutuila islan… EPSG Replaces Tutuila vertical datu… December 14, 2020
geodetic Amersfoort Open 6289 geodetic Netherlands - onshore EPSG August 31, 2020
geodetic Ammassalik 1958 Open 6196 geodetic Greenland - Ammassalik area EPSG January 18, 2002
geodetic Ancienne Triangulation Francaise (Paris) Open 6901 geodetic France - mainland onshore EPSG Uses the RGS value for the Par… December 12, 2022
geodetic Anguilla 1957 Open 6600 geodetic Anguilla - onshore EPSG April 22, 1999
vertical Antalya Open 5173 vertical Turkey - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. November 26, 2004
geodetic Antigua 1943 Open 6601 geodetic Antigua - onshore EPSG April 22, 1999
geodetic Aratu Open 6208 geodetic Brazil - Aratu EPSG June 2, 1995
geodetic Arc 1950 Open 6209 geodetic Africa - Botswana, Malawi, Zam… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Arc 1960 Open 6210 geodetic Africa - Burundi, Kenya, Rwand… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Ascension Island 1958 Open 6712 geodetic St Helena - Ascension Island EPSG January 26, 2006
engineering Astra Minas Open 9300 engineering Argentina - Comodoro Rivadavia EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Astro DOS 71 Open 6710 geodetic St Helena - St Helena Island EPSG December 15, 2016
vertical Auckland 1946 Open 5157 vertical New Zealand - North Island - A… EPSG January 25, 2011
geodetic Australian Antarctic Datum 1998 Open 6176 geodetic Antarctica - Australian sector EPSG January 30, 2006
geodetic Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 Open 6202 geodetic Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Australian Geodetic Datum 1984 Open 6203 geodetic Australia - AGD84 EPSG Uses all data from 1966 adjust… June 24, 2008
vertical Australian Height Datum Open 5111 vertical Australia Christmas and Cocos… EPSG Normal-orthometric heights. In… August 31, 2020
vertical Australian Height Datum (Tasmania) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5112 vertical Australia - Tasmania mainland… EPSG April 20, 2018
dynamic geodetic Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 Open 1291 dynamic geodetic Australia - GDA EPSG Densification of ITRF2014 in t… August 31, 2020
vertical Australian Vertical Working Surface Open 1292 vertical Australia - GDA EPSG Normal heights. Extends gravit… August 29, 2020
geodetic Autonomous Regions of Portugal 2008 Open 1041 geodetic Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG Replaces older classical datum… March 30, 2010
geodetic Average Terrestrial System 1977 Open 6122 geodetic Canada - Maritime Provinces EPSG In use from 1979. To be phased… December 12, 2022
geodetic Ayabelle Lighthouse Open 6713 geodetic Djibouti EPSG January 26, 2006
geodetic Azores Central Islands 1948 Open 6183 geodetic Portugal - Azores C - onshore EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… June 24, 2008
geodetic Azores Central Islands 1995 Open 6665 geodetic Portugal - Azores C - onshore EPSG Classical and GPS observations… September 16, 2016
geodetic Azores Occidental Islands 1939 Open 6182 geodetic Portugal - Azores W - onshore EPSG December 30, 2005
geodetic Azores Oriental Islands 1940 Open 6184 geodetic Portugal - Azores E - onshore EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… August 14, 2003
geodetic Azores Oriental Islands 1995 Open 6664 geodetic Portugal - Azores E - onshore EPSG Classical and GPS observations… September 16, 2016
vertical Baltic 1957 Open 1202 vertical Europe - Czechoslovakia EPSG Uses Normal heights. December 25, 2017
vertical Baltic 1977 Open 5105 vertical Europe - FSU onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. Adjustmen… February 16, 2018
vertical Baltic 1980 Open 5185 vertical Hungary EPSG Uses Normal heights. March 9, 2004
vertical Baltic 1982 Open 5184 vertical Bulgaria - onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. March 9, 2004
vertical Baltic 1986 Open 1296 vertical Poland - onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. Adopted i… March 18, 2021
vertical Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 Open 1390 vertical Europe - Baltic Sea EPSG Realized at the national level… October 9, 2024
vertical Bandar Abbas Open 5150 vertical Iran - onshore EPSG Replaces Fao (datum code 5149)… March 1, 2010
geodetic Barbados 1938 Open 6212 geodetic Barbados - onshore EPSG June 30, 2011
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