Geodetic Parameters

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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Clinton (ftUS) Open 7280 projected USA - Indiana - Clinton EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Clinton (m) Open 7279 projected USA - Indiana - Clinton EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Crawford-Lawrence-Orange (ftUS) Open 7282 projected USA - Indiana - Crawford, Lawr… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Crawford-Lawrence-Orange (m) Open 7281 projected USA - Indiana - Crawford, Lawr… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Daviess-Greene (ftUS) Open 7284 projected USA - Indiana - Daviess and Gr… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Daviess-Greene (m) Open 7283 projected USA - Indiana - Daviess and Gr… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Dearborn-Ohio-Switzerland (ftUS) Open 7286 projected USA - Indiana - Dearborn, Ohio… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Dearborn-Ohio-Switzerland (m) Open 7285 projected USA - Indiana - Dearborn, Ohio… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Decatur-Rush (ftUS) Open 7288 projected USA - Indiana - Decatur and Ru… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Decatur-Rush (m) Open 7287 projected USA - Indiana - Decatur and Ru… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS DeKalb (ftUS) Open 7290 projected USA - Indiana - DeKalb EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS DeKalb (m) Open 7289 projected USA - Indiana - DeKalb EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Dubois-Martin (ftUS) Open 7292 projected USA - Indiana - Dubois and Mar… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Dubois-Martin (m) Open 7291 projected USA - Indiana - Dubois and Mar… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Elkhart-Kosciusko-Wabash (ftUS) Open 7294 projected USA - Indiana - Elkhart, Kosci… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Elkhart-Kosciusko-Wabash (m) Open 7293 projected USA - Indiana - Elkhart, Kosci… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Fayette-Franklin-Union (ftUS) Open 7296 projected USA - Indiana - Fayette, Frank… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Fayette-Franklin-Union (m) Open 7295 projected USA - Indiana - Fayette, Frank… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Fountain-Warren (ftUS) Open 7298 projected USA - Indiana - Fountain and W… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Fountain-Warren (m) Open 7297 projected USA - Indiana - Fountain and W… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Fulton-Marshall-St. Joseph (ftUS) Open 7300 projected USA - Indiana - Fulton, Marsha… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Fulton-Marshall-St. Joseph (m) Open 7299 projected USA - Indiana - Fulton, Marsha… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Gibson (ftUS) Open 7302 projected USA - Indiana - Gibson EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Gibson (m) Open 7301 projected USA - Indiana - Gibson EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Grant (ftUS) Open 7304 projected USA - Indiana - Grant EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Grant (m) Open 7303 projected USA - Indiana - Grant EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Hamilton-Tipton (ftUS) Open 7306 projected USA - Indiana - Hamilton and T… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Hamilton-Tipton (m) Open 7305 projected USA - Indiana - Hamilton and T… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Hancock-Madison (ftUS) Open 7308 projected USA - Indiana - Hancock and Ma… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Hancock-Madison (m) Open 7307 projected USA - Indiana - Hancock and Ma… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Harrison-Washington (ftUS) Open 7310 projected USA - Indiana - Harrison and W… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Harrison-Washington (m) Open 7309 projected USA - Indiana - Harrison and W… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Henry (ftUS) Open 7312 projected USA - Indiana - Henry EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Henry (m) Open 7311 projected USA - Indiana - Henry EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Howard-Miami (ftUS) Open 7314 projected USA - Indiana - Howard and Mia… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Howard-Miami (m) Open 7313 projected USA - Indiana - Howard and Mia… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Huntington-Whitley (ftUS) Open 7316 projected USA - Indiana - Huntington and… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Huntington-Whitley (m) Open 7315 projected USA - Indiana - Huntington and… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jackson (ftUS) Open 7318 projected USA - Indiana - Jackson EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jackson (m) Open 7317 projected USA - Indiana - Jackson EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jasper-Porter (ftUS) Open 7320 projected USA - Indiana - Jasper and Por… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jasper-Porter (m) Open 7319 projected USA - Indiana - Jasper and Por… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jay (ftUS) Open 7322 projected USA - Indiana - Jay EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jay (m) Open 7321 projected USA - Indiana - Jay EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jefferson (ftUS) Open 7324 projected USA - Indiana - Jefferson EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jefferson (m) Open 7323 projected USA - Indiana - Jefferson EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jennings (ftUS) Open 7326 projected USA - Indiana - Jennings EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Jennings (m) Open 7325 projected USA - Indiana - Jennings EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Johnson-Marion (ftUS) Open 7328 projected USA - Indiana - Johnson and Ma… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / InGCS Johnson-Marion (m) Open 7327 projected USA - Indiana - Johnson and Ma… EPSG Part of the Indiana Geospatial… September 18, 2015
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
transformation Abidjan 1987 to WGS 84 (1) Open 1470 transformation Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG Derived in Abidjan for use in… March 14, 2020
transformation Abidjan 1987 to WGS 84 (2) Open 6872 transformation Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -… EPSG Derived and used by Western Ge… March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 72BE (1) Open 1570 transformation Ghana - offshore EPSG Derived be single point Transi… October 19, 2000
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (1) Open 1569 transformation Ghana EPSG Derived at 3 common points. March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (3) Open 15495 transformation Ghana - offshore EPSG Derived via WGS 72BE. Found in… March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (4) Open 6896 transformation Ghana - onshore EPSG Derived at 4 stations. Accurac… March 14, 2020
transformation Aden 1925 to WGS 84 (1) Open 6910 transformation Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG Derivation not given. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (1) Open 1100 transformation Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG Derived at 22 stations. Accura… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (2) Open 1101 transformation Burkina Faso EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (3) Open 1102 transformation Cameroon - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (4) Open 1103 transformation Ethiopia EPSG Derived at 8 stations. Accurac… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (5) Open 1104 transformation Mali EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (6) Open 1105 transformation Senegal - onshore EPSG Derived at 2 stations connecte… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (7) Open 1106 transformation Africa - South Sudan and Sudan… EPSG Derived at 14 stations. Accura… March 14, 2020
transformation Afgooye to WGS 84 (1) Open 1107 transformation Somalia - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to GDA2020 (1) Open 9185 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG This transformation is for use… June 28, 2019
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (1) Open 1278 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Given to greater precision but… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (10) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1596 transformation Australia - SE Australia (ACT… EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 (5) (c… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (11) Open 1803 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 varian… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (12) Open 15979 transformation Australia - offshore EPSG Use only offshore: onshore, tr… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (19) Open 5827 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG Replaces nationally-derived tr… January 28, 2012
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1458 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 19, 2018
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1459 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaced in 2000 by AGD66 to G… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (4) Open 1460 transformation Australia - New South Wales an… EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (5) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1464 transformation Australia - Victoria EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (10… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (6) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1506 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (11… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (7) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1507 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (11… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (8) Open 1594 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 (3) (c… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (9) Open 1595 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5662 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived at 25 stations in 2007… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (2) Open 6937 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Derived in 2014 at 38 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (3) Open 6938 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Derived in 2014 at 38 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (4) Open 6939 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived in 2014 at 23 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (5) Open 6940 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived in 2014 at 23 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (6) Open 6941 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Derived in 2014 at 7 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (7) Open 6942 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Derived in 2014 at 7 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1108 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Derived at 105 stations. Accur… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (12) Open 1665 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (13) Open 1666 transformation Australia - New South Wales an… EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (14) Open 1667 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (15) Open 1668 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (16) Open 15788 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (17) Open 15786 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (18) Open 15980 transformation Australia - offshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (19) Open 5841 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived at 25 stations in 2007… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (20) Open 6905 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Derived at 161 stations. Accur… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (21) Open 6943 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (22) Open 6944 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (23) Open 6945 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD84 to GDA94 (1) Open 1279 transformation Australia - AGD84 EPSG Derived at 327 stations. May b… April 20, 2018
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v6 [SUPERSEDED] Open 8676 point motion operation 1; Canada - onshore north of 6… EPSG File initially published as cv… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v7 [SUPERSEDED] Open 9483 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG File initially published with… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v8 Open 10707 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG Replaces Canada velocity grid… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Indonesian Deformation Model 2020 Open 9375 point motion operation Indonesia EPSG Estimates dynamic component of… August 29, 2020
point motion operation New Caledonia velocity model 2015 Open 10323 point motion operation New Caledonia - Belep, Grande… EPSG March 31, 2023
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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
concatenated operation Accra to WGS 84 (2) Open 8571 concatenated operation Ghana - offshore EPSG Can be implemented as a positi… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Amersfoort to ED50 (1) Open 4837 concatenated operation Netherlands - onshore EPSG Adopted by NAM in 2006, replac… April 22, 2015
concatenated operation ATRF2014 to GDA94 (2) Open 9685 concatenated operation Australia - onshore EPSG See ATRF2014 to GDA94 (1) (CT… January 18, 2021
concatenated operation Batavia (Jakarta) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8178 concatenated operation Indonesia - Bali, Java and wes… EPSG Accuracy 3m in each axis. March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Beduaram to WGS 84 (1) Open 8634 concatenated operation Niger - southeast EPSG Derived via WGS72BE. Can be us… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation BES2020 Saba to Saba + Saba height (1) Open 10755 concatenated operation BES Islands - Saba onshore EPSG Reversible alternative to BES2… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation BES2020 Saba to Saba height (1) Open 10675 concatenated operation BES Islands - Saba onshore EPSG This operation is not reversib… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation BES2020 Sint Eustatius to Sint Eustatius + Sint Eustatius height (1) Open 10756 concatenated operation BES Islands - Sint Eustatius -… EPSG Reversible alternative to BES2… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation BES2020 Sint Eustatius to Sint Eustatius height (1) Open 10754 concatenated operation BES Islands - Sint Eustatius -… EPSG This operation is not reversib… February 19, 2025
concatenated operation Bogota 1975 (Bogota) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8174 concatenated operation Colombia - mainland EPSG Accuracy 6m, 5m and 6m in X, Y… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Cais da Figueirinha height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10409 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Terceira… EPSG Offshore of Terceira island th… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Madalena height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10398 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Pico nea… EPSG Offshore of Pico island the Ze… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Pontinha height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10394 concatenated operation Portugal - Madeira and Deserta… EPSG Offshore of Madeira, Desertas… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Vila do Porto height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10411 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores E - Santa Ma… EPSG Offshore of Santa Maria and Fo… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais da Vila height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10395 concatenated operation Portugal - Porto Santo island… EPSG Offshore of Porto Santo island… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cais das Velas height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10399 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - S Jorge… EPSG Offshore of S. Jorge island th… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Carthage (Paris) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8636 concatenated operation Tunisia - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Cascais height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10392 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - nearshor… EPSG The Zero Hidrografico (CD Port… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Cascais height to ZH Portugal depth (2) Open 10393 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - nearshor… EPSG The Zero Hidrografico surface… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Chos Malal 1914 to WGS 84 (1) Open 8517 concatenated operation Argentina - Neuquen province A… EPSG May be implemented using a sin… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Deir ez Zor to WGS 84 (1) Open 8568 concatenated operation Syria - Deir area EPSG Can be implemented as a positi… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to ETRS89 (2) Open 8654 concatenated operation Europe - North Sea EPSG Taken from ED50 to WGS 84 (14)… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to WGS 84 (14) Open 8653 concatenated operation Europe - North Sea EPSG 1990 agreement between Denmark… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to WGS 84 (15) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8047 concatenated operation Norway - offshore north of 65°… EPSG Replaced by codes 8569 and 161… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ED50 to WGS 84 (21) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8569 concatenated operation Norway - offshore north of 65°… EPSG Included in Statens Kartverk p… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Egypt 1907 to WGS 84 (2) Open 8537 concatenated operation Egypt EPSG Used by Shell. May be implemen… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL to WGS 84 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 8657 concatenated operation Egypt - Gulf of Suez EPSG Can be implemented as a single… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ETRS89 + Baltic 1957 height to ETRS89 + EVRF2007 height (1) Open 8363 concatenated operation Slovakia EPSG Recommended method for transfo… February 13, 2018
concatenated operation ETRS89 + DVR90(2002) height to ETRS89 + DVR90(2013) height (1) Open 10495 concatenated operation Denmark - onshore EPSG DVR90(2002) height and DVR90(2… November 30, 2023
concatenated operation ETRS89 + DVR90(2013) height to ETRS89 + DVR90(2023) height (1) Open 10496 concatenated operation Denmark EPSG For applications with accuraci… November 30, 2023
concatenated operation ETRS89 to Catania 1965 height (1) Open 9750 concatenated operation Italy - Sicily onshore EPSG May 26, 2021
concatenated operation ETRS89 to GHA height (2) Open 9499 concatenated operation Austria EPSG This concatenated operation gi… January 13, 2021
concatenated operation ETRS89 to S-JTSK (5) Open 8442 concatenated operation Slovakia EPSG Recommended method of a transf… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Garoua to WGS 84 (1) Open 8631 concatenated operation Cameroon - Garoua area EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation GDA94 to WGS 84 (G1762) (2) Open 9687 concatenated operation Australia - onshore EPSG See GDA94 to WGS 84 (G1762) (1… January 18, 2021
concatenated operation Greek (Athens) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8644 concatenated operation Greece - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Greek to WGS 84 (1) Open 8643 concatenated operation Greece - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation HKPD height to HKCD depth (1) Open 7983 concatenated operation China - Hong Kong - offshore EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation Horta height to ZH Portugal depth (1) Open 10397 concatenated operation Portugal - Azores C - Faial -… EPSG Offshore of Faial island the Z… August 7, 2023
concatenated operation Indian 1960 to WGS 84 (1) Open 8532 concatenated operation Vietnam - offshore Cuu Long ba… EPSG May be implemented as a single… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation ITRF2000 to NZGD2000 (1) Open 9092 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2005 to NZGD2000 (1) Open 9093 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9094 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9095 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 17, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9096 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (4) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9097 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 17, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (5) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9098 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2008 to NZGD2000 (6) Open 9099 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2014 to GDA94 (2) Open 9683 concatenated operation Australia - onshore EPSG See ITRF2014 to GDA94 (1) (CT… January 18, 2021
concatenated operation ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9100 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 16, 2019
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Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
conversion Nebraska CS27 North zone Open 12601 conversion USA - Nebraska - SPCS27 - N EPSG April 22, 1999
conversion Nebraska CS27 South zone Open 12602 conversion USA - Nebraska - SPCS27 - S EPSG April 22, 1999
conversion Neiva urban grid Open 6229 conversion Colombia - Neiva city EPSG May 18, 2013
conversion Nelson 2000 Open 17941 conversion New Zealand - South Island - N… EPSG Replaces Nelson Circuit (code… January 25, 2011
conversion Nelson Circuit Open 17911 conversion New Zealand - South Island - N… EPSG Replaced Imperial measure circ… January 25, 2011
conversion Netherlands East Indies Equatorial Zone Open 19905 conversion Indonesia - onshore EPSG March 25, 2012
conversion Netherlands East Indies Equatorial Zone (Jkt) Open 5328 conversion Indonesia - onshore EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… March 25, 2012
conversion Nevada CS27 Central zone Open 12702 conversion USA - Nevada - SPCS - C EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion Nevada CS27 East zone Open 12701 conversion USA - Nevada - SPCS - E EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion Nevada CS27 West zone Open 12703 conversion USA - Nevada - SPCS - W EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion New Brunswick Stereographic (ATS77) Open 19945 conversion Canada - New Brunswick EPSG In use from 1979. To be phased… October 20, 1999
conversion New Brunswick Stereographic (NAD27) Open 5587 conversion Canada - New Brunswick EPSG In use until 1979. August 17, 2011
conversion New Brunswick Stereographic (NAD83) Open 19946 conversion Canada - New Brunswick EPSG In use from 1999. October 20, 1999
conversion New Hampshire CS27 Open 12800 conversion USA - New Hampshire EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion New Jersey CS27 Open 12900 conversion USA - New Jersey EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion New Mexico CS27 Central zone Open 13002 conversion USA - New Mexico - SPCS27 - C EPSG December 2, 1995
conversion New Mexico CS27 East zone Open 13001 conversion USA - New Mexico - SPCS - E EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion New Mexico CS27 West zone Open 13003 conversion USA - New Mexico - SPCS27 - W EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion New South Wales Lambert Open 17364 conversion Australia - New South Wales EPSG August 18, 2005
conversion New War Office Sierra Leone Grid Open 19964 conversion Sierra Leone - Freetown Penins… EPSG Replaces the War Office Sierra… June 5, 2001
conversion New York CS27 Central zone Open 13102 conversion USA - New York - SPCS - C EPSG December 2, 1995
conversion New York CS27 East zone Open 13101 conversion USA - New York - SPCS - E EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion New York CS27 Long Island zone Open 4454 conversion USA - New York - SPCS - Long I… EPSG August 29, 2009
conversion New York CS27 West zone Open 13103 conversion USA - New York - SPCS - W EPSG November 29, 2022
conversion New Zealand Continental Shelf Lambert Conformal 2000 Open 17964 conversion New Zealand - offshore EPSG See NIWA Albers (projection co… September 17, 2019
conversion New Zealand Map Grid Open 19917 conversion New Zealand - onshore EPSG Replaces North and South Islan… January 21, 2012
conversion New Zealand North Island National Grid Open 18141 conversion New Zealand - North Island EPSG Replaced by New Zealand Map Gr… October 20, 1999
conversion New Zealand South Island National Grid Open 18142 conversion New Zealand - South and Stewar… EPSG Replaced by New Zealand Map Gr… October 20, 1999
conversion New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 Open 19971 conversion New Zealand - onshore EPSG January 21, 2012
conversion NGO zone I Open 18221 conversion Norway - zone I EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone II Open 18222 conversion Norway - zone II EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone III Open 18223 conversion Norway - zone III EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone IV Open 18224 conversion Norway - zone IV EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone V Open 18225 conversion Norway - zone V EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone VI Open 18226 conversion Norway - zone VI EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone VII Open 18227 conversion Norway - zone VII EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion NGO zone VIII Open 18228 conversion Norway - zone VIII EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion Nicaragua Norte Open 5439 conversion Nicaragua - onshore north of 1… EPSG Typographical error in value f… July 23, 2011
conversion Nicaragua Sur Open 5444 conversion Nicaragua - onshore south of 1… EPSG Typographical error in value f… July 23, 2011
conversion Nigeria East Belt Open 18153 conversion Nigeria - east of 10.5°E EPSG December 2, 1995
conversion Nigeria Mid Belt Open 18152 conversion Nigeria - 6.5°E to 10.5°E EPSG December 2, 1995
conversion Nigeria West Belt Open 18151 conversion Nigeria - west of 6.5°E EPSG December 2, 1995
conversion NIWA Albers Open 9190 conversion New Zealand - offshore Pacific… EPSG See NZCS2000 (projection code… July 19, 2019
conversion Nord Algerie Open 18021 conversion Algeria - north of 34°39'N EPSG Use with Nord Sahara 1959 datu… September 12, 1996
conversion Nord Algerie (ancienne) Open 18011 conversion Algeria - north of 34°39'N EPSG Used with Voirol 1875 datum -… September 12, 1996
conversion Nord de Guerre Open 19903 conversion France - Alsace EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… January 16, 2003
conversion Nord Maroc Open 18131 conversion Morocco - north of 31.5°N EPSG A projection with the same par… September 19, 2002
conversion Nord Tunisie Open 18181 conversion Tunisia - north of 34°39'N EPSG September 12, 1996
conversion North Carolina CS27 Open 13200 conversion USA - North Carolina EPSG March 7, 2000
conversion North Dakota CS27 North zone Open 13301 conversion USA - North Dakota - SPCS - N EPSG April 22, 1999
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
geodetic Observatario Open 6129 geodetic Mozambique - south EPSG Replaced by transformation to… November 19, 2014
geodetic Ocotepeque 1935 Open 1070 geodetic Central America - Guatemala to… EPSG Replaced in Costa Rica by Cost… March 26, 2011
geodetic Old Hawaiian Open 6135 geodetic USA - Hawaii - onshore EPSG Hawaiian Islands were never on… December 12, 2022
geodetic Oman National Geodetic Datum 2014 Open 1147 geodetic Oman EPSG Replaces WGS 84 (G873). Replac… March 30, 2020
geodetic Oman National Geodetic Datum 2017 Open 1263 geodetic Oman EPSG Replaces ONGD14 from March 201… March 10, 2020
vertical One Tree Point 1964 Open 5165 vertical New Zealand - North Island - O… EPSG January 25, 2011
vertical Ordnance Datum Newlyn Open 5101 vertical UK - Great Britain mainland on… EPSG Orthometric heights. July 24, 2020
vertical Ordnance Datum Newlyn (Offshore) Open 1164 vertical UK - offshore 49°45'N to 61°N,… EPSG Extension of Ordnance Datum Ne… July 24, 2020
vertical Ordnance Datum Newlyn (Orkney Isles) Open 5138 vertical UK - Orkney Islands onshore EPSG Considered as separate from Ne… July 24, 2020
geodetic Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936 Open 6277 geodetic UK - Britain and UKCS 49°45'N… EPSG The average accuracy of OSTN c… March 23, 2022
geodetic OS (SN) 1980 Open 6279 geodetic Europe - British Isles - UK an… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic OSGB 1970 (SN) Open 6278 geodetic UK - Great Britain onshore and… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic OSNI 1952 Open 6188 geodetic UK - Northern Ireland - onshor… EPSG Replaced by Geodetic Datum of… November 6, 2001
vertical Ostend Open 5110 vertical Belgium - onshore EPSG Realized through the second ge… July 14, 2017
geodetic Ostenfeld Intermediate Datum Open 1350 geodetic Denmark - northern Schleswig EPSG Created in 2022 to support int… May 10, 2023
geodetic OxWo08 Intermediate Reference Frame Open 1344 geodetic UK - Oxford to Worcester EPSG Created in 2022 to support int… January 12, 2023
geodetic Palestine 1923 Open 6281 geodetic Asia - Middle East - Israel, J… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Pampa del Castillo Open 6161 geodetic Argentina - 42.5°S to 50.3°S EPSG Replaced by Campo Inchauspe (c… January 16, 2020
geodetic Panama-Colon 1911 Open 1072 geodetic Panama - onshore EPSG Reports of the existence of an… March 26, 2011
geodetic Papua New Guinea Geodetic Datum 1994 Open 1076 geodetic Papua New Guinea EPSG Adopted 1996. Coincident with… July 15, 2011
dynamic geodetic Parametry Zemli 1990 Open 6740 dynamic geodetic World EPSG Replaced by PZ-90.02 from 2007… August 31, 2020
dynamic geodetic Parametry Zemli 1990.02 Open 1157 dynamic geodetic World EPSG Replaces PZ-90 from 2007-09-20… August 31, 2020
dynamic geodetic Parametry Zemli 1990.11 Open 1158 dynamic geodetic World EPSG Replaces PZ-90.02 from 2014-01… August 31, 2020
vertical PDO Height Datum 1993 Open 5123 vertical Oman - onshore EPSG Misclosure between Muscat and… December 12, 2022
geodetic PDO Survey Datum 1993 Open 6134 geodetic Oman - onshore EPSG Replaces Fahud datum (code 623… April 22, 1999
geodetic Peru96 Open 1067 geodetic Peru EPSG Densification of SIRGAS 1995 w… May 29, 2018
geodetic Petrels 1972 Open 6636 geodetic Antarctica - Adelie Land - Pet… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Philippine Reference System 1992 Open 6683 geodetic Philippines EPSG Replaces Luzon 1911 datum (cod… June 24, 2008
geodetic Phoenix Islands 1966 Open 6716 geodetic Kiribati - Phoenix Islands EPSG January 26, 2006
geodetic Pico de las Nieves 1968 Open 1286 geodetic Spain - Canary Islands onshore EPSG Replaced by PN84 only on weste… June 27, 2020
geodetic Pico de las Nieves 1984 Open 6728 geodetic Spain - Canary Islands western EPSG Replaces Pico de las Nieves 19… July 1, 2020
vertical Piraeus Harbour 1986 Open 5115 vertical Greece - onshore EPSG June 16, 1997
geodetic Pitcairn 1967 Open 6729 geodetic Pitcairn - Pitcairn Island EPSG Replaced by Pitcairn 2006. June 24, 2008
geodetic Pitcairn 2006 Open 6763 geodetic Pitcairn - Pitcairn Island EPSG Replaces Pitcairn 1967. June 24, 2008
vertical PNG08 Open 1149 vertical Papua New Guinea - 0°N to 12°S… EPSG November 5, 2015
geodetic Point 58 Open 6620 geodetic Africa - 12th parallel N EPSG Used as the basis for computat… April 22, 2015
geodetic Pointe Geologie Perroud 1950 Open 6637 geodetic Antarctica - Adelie Land coast… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical Ponta Delgada Open 1110 vertical Portugal - Azores E - S Miguel… EPSG Orthometric heights. April 10, 2013
vertical Poolbeg Open 5152 vertical Europe - Ireland (Republic and… EPSG Topographic mapping before 195… June 27, 2003
vertical Port Moresby 1996 Open 1171 vertical Papua New Guinea - onshore - C… EPSG Offset has been determined by… November 4, 2016
vertical Port Moresby 2008 Open 1172 vertical Papua New Guinea - onshore - C… EPSG Offset has been determined by… November 4, 2016
geodetic Porto Santo 1936 Open 6615 geodetic Portugal - Madeira archipelago… EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… August 14, 2003
geodetic Porto Santo 1995 Open 6663 geodetic Portugal - Madeira archipelago… EPSG Classical and GPS observations… November 19, 2023
geodetic Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1994 Open 6694 geodetic Argentina EPSG Adopted as defining the Nation… December 12, 2022
geodetic Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1998 Open 6190 geodetic Argentina EPSG Replaced POSGAR 1994 (datum co… December 12, 2022
geodetic Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 2007 Open 1062 geodetic Argentina EPSG Adopted by order of the Direct… December 12, 2022
geodetic Potsdam Datum/83 Open 6746 geodetic Germany - Thuringen EPSG PD/83 is the realization of DH… July 14, 2017
geodetic Principe Open 1046 geodetic Sao Tome and Principe - onshor… EPSG November 24, 2009
geodetic Provisional South American Datum 1956 Open 6248 geodetic South America - PSAD56 by coun… EPSG Same origin as La Canoa datum. June 24, 2008
geodetic Puerto Rico Open 6139 geodetic Caribbean - Puerto Rico and Vi… EPSG NADCON conversion program prov… June 24, 2008
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