Geodetic Parameters

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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
geographic 2D Abidjan 1987 Open 4143 geographic 2D Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG Replaces Locodjo 1965 (EPSG co… December 15, 2016
projected Abidjan 1987 / TM 5 NW Open 2165 projected Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -… EPSG June 5, 2001
projected Abidjan 1987 / UTM zone 29N Open 2043 projected Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -… EPSG Replaces Locodjo 65 / UTM 29N… March 7, 2000
projected Abidjan 1987 / UTM zone 30N Open 2041 projected Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -… EPSG Replaces Locodjo 65 / UTM 30N… March 7, 2000
projected AbInvA96_2020 Grid Open 9387 projected UK - Aberdeen to Inverness EPSG The CRS's definition through t… January 12, 2023
compound AbInvA96_2020 Grid + ODN height Open 9388 compound UK - Aberdeen to Inverness EPSG June 16, 2020
geographic 2D AbInvA96_2020-IRF Open 9384 geographic 2D UK - Aberdeen to Inverness EPSG Intermediate CRS created in 20… June 16, 2020
geographic 2D Accra Open 4168 geographic 2D Ghana EPSG Ellipsoid semi-major axis (a)=… November 19, 2023
projected Accra / Ghana National Grid Open 2136 projected Ghana - onshore EPSG Ellipsoid semi-major axis (a)=… November 19, 2023
projected Accra / TM 1 NW Open 2137 projected Ghana - offshore EPSG October 19, 2000
geographic 2D Aden 1925 Open 6881 geographic 2D Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG July 30, 2014
geographic 2D Adindan Open 4201 geographic 2D Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG The 12th parallel traverse of… April 22, 2015
projected Adindan / UTM zone 35N Open 20135 projected Africa - South Sudan and Sudan… EPSG November 29, 2022
projected Adindan / UTM zone 36N Open 20136 projected Africa - Ethiopia and Sudan -… EPSG November 29, 2022
projected Adindan / UTM zone 37N Open 20137 projected Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia and… EPSG November 29, 2022
projected Adindan / UTM zone 38N Open 20138 projected Ethiopia - east of 42°E EPSG November 29, 2022
geographic 2D Afgooye Open 4205 geographic 2D Somalia - onshore EPSG January 5, 2012
projected Afgooye / UTM zone 38N Open 20538 projected Somalia - 42°E to 48°E, N hemi… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected Afgooye / UTM zone 39N Open 20539 projected Somalia - onshore east of 48°E EPSG June 2, 1995
geographic 2D Agadez Open 4206 geographic 2D Niger EPSG January 6, 2004
geographic 2D AGD66 Open 4202 geographic 2D Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG September 17, 2019
projected AGD66 / ACT Standard Grid Open 5825 projected Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG January 28, 2012
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 49 Open 20249 projected Australia - 108°E to 114°E (EE… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 50 Open 20250 projected Australia - 114°E to 120°E (EE… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 51 Open 20251 projected Australia - 120°E to 126°E EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 52 Open 20252 projected Australia - 126°E to 132°E EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 53 Open 20253 projected Australia - 132°E to 138°E EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 54 Open 20254 projected Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 55 Open 20255 projected Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 56 Open 20256 projected Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG July 20, 2011
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 57 Open 20257 projected Australia - 156°E to 162°E EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / AMG zone 58 Open 20258 projected Australia - EEZ east of 162°E EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD66 / Vicgrid66 Open 3110 projected Australia - Victoria EPSG May also be used to display Vi… December 15, 2016
geographic 2D AGD84 Open 4203 geographic 2D Australia - AGD84 EPSG National system replacing AGD6… March 18, 2021
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 49 Open 20349 projected Australia - 108°E to 114°E (EE… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 50 Open 20350 projected Australia - 114°E to 120°E (EE… EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 51 Open 20351 projected Australia - 120°E to 126°E EPSG June 2, 1995
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 52 Open 20352 projected Australia - SA and WA 126°E to… EPSG March 30, 2010
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 53 Open 20353 projected Australia - SA 132°E to 138°E EPSG March 30, 2010
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 54 Open 20354 projected Australia - SA and Qld 138°E t… EPSG March 30, 2010
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 55 Open 20355 projected Australia - Qld 144°E to 150°E EPSG March 30, 2010
projected AGD84 / AMG zone 56 Open 20356 projected Australia - Qld east of 150°E EPSG March 30, 2010
vertical AHD (Tasmania) height [SUPERSEDED] Open 5712 vertical Australia - Tasmania mainland… EPSG April 20, 2018
vertical AHD height Open 5711 vertical Australia Christmas and Cocos… EPSG Appropriate for cadastral and… October 21, 2020
geographic 2D Ain el Abd Open 4204 geographic 2D Asia - Middle East - Bahrain,… EPSG January 6, 2004
projected Ain el Abd / Aramco Lambert Open 2318 projected Saudi Arabia - onshore EPSG Used by Saudi Aramco when area… February 12, 2002
projected Ain el Abd / Bahrain Grid Open 20499 projected Bahrain - onshore EPSG January 21, 2012
projected Ain el Abd / UTM zone 36N Open 20436 projected Saudi Arabia - onshore west of… EPSG Replaced by MTRF-2000 / UTM zo… August 29, 2018
projected Ain el Abd / UTM zone 37N Open 20437 projected Saudi Arabia - onshore 36°E to… EPSG Replaced by MTRF-2000 / UTM zo… August 29, 2018
projected Ain el Abd / UTM zone 38N Open 20438 projected Asia - Middle East - Kuwait an… EPSG Known in Kuwait as "KOC UTM".… August 29, 2018
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
transformation Abidjan 1987 to WGS 84 (1) Open 1470 transformation Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG Derived in Abidjan for use in… March 14, 2020
transformation Abidjan 1987 to WGS 84 (2) Open 6872 transformation Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) -… EPSG Derived and used by Western Ge… March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 72BE (1) Open 1570 transformation Ghana - offshore EPSG Derived be single point Transi… October 19, 2000
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (1) Open 1569 transformation Ghana EPSG Derived at 3 common points. March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (3) Open 15495 transformation Ghana - offshore EPSG Derived via WGS 72BE. Found in… March 14, 2020
transformation Accra to WGS 84 (4) Open 6896 transformation Ghana - onshore EPSG Derived at 4 stations. Accurac… March 14, 2020
transformation Aden 1925 to WGS 84 (1) Open 6910 transformation Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG Derivation not given. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (1) Open 1100 transformation Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG Derived at 22 stations. Accura… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (2) Open 1101 transformation Burkina Faso EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (3) Open 1102 transformation Cameroon - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (4) Open 1103 transformation Ethiopia EPSG Derived at 8 stations. Accurac… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (5) Open 1104 transformation Mali EPSG Derived at 1 station connected… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (6) Open 1105 transformation Senegal - onshore EPSG Derived at 2 stations connecte… March 14, 2020
transformation Adindan to WGS 84 (7) Open 1106 transformation Africa - South Sudan and Sudan… EPSG Derived at 14 stations. Accura… March 14, 2020
transformation Afgooye to WGS 84 (1) Open 1107 transformation Somalia - onshore EPSG Derived at 1 station. Accuracy… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to GDA2020 (1) Open 9185 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG This transformation is for use… June 28, 2019
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (1) Open 1278 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Given to greater precision but… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (10) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1596 transformation Australia - SE Australia (ACT… EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 (5) (c… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (11) Open 1803 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 varian… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (12) Open 15979 transformation Australia - offshore EPSG Use only offshore: onshore, tr… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (19) Open 5827 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG Replaces nationally-derived tr… January 28, 2012
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1458 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 19, 2018
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (3) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1459 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaced in 2000 by AGD66 to G… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (4) Open 1460 transformation Australia - New South Wales an… EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (5) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1464 transformation Australia - Victoria EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (10… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (6) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1506 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (11… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (7) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1507 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG Replaced by AGD66 to GDA94 (11… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (8) Open 1594 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Replaces AGD66 to GDA94 (3) (c… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to GDA94 (9) Open 1595 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG For higher accuracy requiremen… January 2, 2006
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5662 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived at 25 stations in 2007… October 16, 2017
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (2) Open 6937 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Derived in 2014 at 38 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (3) Open 6938 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Derived in 2014 at 38 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (4) Open 6939 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived in 2014 at 23 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (5) Open 6940 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived in 2014 at 23 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (6) Open 6941 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Derived in 2014 at 7 stations… November 16, 2014
transformation AGD66 to PNG94 (7) Open 6942 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Derived in 2014 at 7 stations… October 17, 2014
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (1) [SUPERSEDED] Open 1108 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Derived at 105 stations. Accur… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (12) Open 1665 transformation Australia - Australian Capital… EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (13) Open 1666 transformation Australia - New South Wales an… EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (14) Open 1667 transformation Australia - Tasmania EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (15) Open 1668 transformation Australia - Northern Territory EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (16) Open 15788 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (17) Open 15786 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… January 18, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (18) Open 15980 transformation Australia - offshore EPSG Parameter values from AGD66 to… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (19) Open 5841 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Derived at 25 stations in 2007… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (20) Open 6905 transformation Australia - onshore EPSG Derived at 161 stations. Accur… March 14, 2020
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (21) Open 6943 transformation Papua New Guinea - mainland on… EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (22) Open 6944 transformation Papua New Guinea - PFTB EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD66 to WGS 84 (23) Open 6945 transformation Papua New Guinea - North Fly EPSG Parameter values taken from AG… September 23, 2021
transformation AGD84 to GDA94 (1) Open 1279 transformation Australia - AGD84 EPSG Derived at 327 stations. May b… April 20, 2018
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v6 [SUPERSEDED] Open 8676 point motion operation 1; Canada - onshore north of 6… EPSG File initially published as cv… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v7 [SUPERSEDED] Open 9483 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG File initially published with… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v8 Open 10707 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG Replaces Canada velocity grid… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Indonesian Deformation Model 2020 Open 9375 point motion operation Indonesia EPSG Estimates dynamic component of… August 29, 2020
point motion operation New Caledonia velocity model 2015 Open 10323 point motion operation New Caledonia - Belep, Grande… EPSG March 31, 2023
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concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (35) Open 8514 concatenated operation USA - West Virginia EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (36) Open 8553 concatenated operation USA - Illinois EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (37) Open 8554 concatenated operation USA - New Jersey EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (38) Open 8586 concatenated operation USA - Arkansas EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… August 15, 2001
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (39) Open 8587 concatenated operation USA - Iowa EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… August 15, 2001
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (4) Open 8463 concatenated operation USA - California - south of 36… EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (40) Open 8588 concatenated operation USA - Minnesota EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… August 15, 2001
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (41) Open 8589 concatenated operation USA - Missouri EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… August 15, 2001
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (5) Open 8464 concatenated operation USA - Colorado EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (6) Open 8465 concatenated operation USA - Georgia EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (7) Open 8466 concatenated operation USA - Florida EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (8) Open 8467 concatenated operation USA - Idaho and Montana - east… EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (9) Open 8468 concatenated operation USA - Idaho and Montana - west… EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (36) Open 8585 concatenated operation Canada - Alberta EPSG Steps based on concatenated tr… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (37) Open 8590 concatenated operation USA - Alabama EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (38) Open 8591 concatenated operation USA - Arizona EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (39) Open 8592 concatenated operation USA - Arkansas EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (40) Open 8593 concatenated operation USA - California - north of 36… EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (41) Open 8594 concatenated operation USA - California - south of 36… EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (42) Open 8595 concatenated operation USA - Colorado EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (43) Open 8596 concatenated operation USA - Florida EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (44) Open 8597 concatenated operation USA - Georgia EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (45) Open 8598 concatenated operation USA - Illinois EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (46) Open 8599 concatenated operation USA - Indiana EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (47) Open 8600 concatenated operation USA - Iowa EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (48) Open 8601 concatenated operation USA - Kansas EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (49) Open 8602 concatenated operation USA - Kentucky EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (50) Open 8603 concatenated operation USA - Louisiana EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (51) Open 8604 concatenated operation USA - Maine EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (52) Open 8605 concatenated operation USA - Delaware and Maryland EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (53) Open 8606 concatenated operation USA - New England - south (CT,… EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (54) Open 8607 concatenated operation USA - Michigan EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (55) Open 8608 concatenated operation USA - Minnesota EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (56) Open 8609 concatenated operation USA - Mississippi EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (57) Open 8610 concatenated operation USA - Missouri EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (58) Open 8611 concatenated operation USA - Idaho and Montana - east… EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (59) Open 8612 concatenated operation USA - Idaho and Montana - west… EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (60) Open 8613 concatenated operation USA - Nebraska EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (61) Open 8614 concatenated operation USA - Nevada EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (62) Open 8615 concatenated operation USA - New Jersey EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (63) Open 8616 concatenated operation USA - New Mexico EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (64) Open 8617 concatenated operation USA - New York EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (65) Open 8618 concatenated operation USA - North Dakota EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (66) Open 8619 concatenated operation USA - Ohio EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (67) Open 8620 concatenated operation USA - Oklahoma EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (68) Open 8621 concatenated operation USA - Oregon and Washington EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (69) Open 8622 concatenated operation USA - South Dakota EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (70) Open 8623 concatenated operation USA - Tennessee EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (71) Open 8624 concatenated operation USA - Texas east of 100°W EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to WGS 84 (72) Open 8625 concatenated operation USA - Texas west of 100°W EPSG Transformation steps are from… March 14, 2020
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
conversion Balkans zone 5 Open 18275 conversion Europe - former Yugoslavia ons… EPSG June 5, 2001
conversion Balkans zone 6 Open 18276 conversion Europe - former Yugoslavia ons… EPSG June 5, 2001
conversion Balkans zone 7 Open 18277 conversion 1; North Macedonia EPSG In Macedonia replaced by MSCS… March 18, 2022
conversion Balkans zone 8 Open 18278 conversion Europe - former Yugoslavia ons… EPSG June 5, 2001
conversion Bangladesh Transverse Mercator Open 9677 conversion Bangladesh - onshore EPSG January 13, 2021
conversion Barbados National Grid Open 19943 conversion Barbados - onshore EPSG Replaced British West Indies G… June 30, 2011
conversion Barranquilla urban grid Open 6214 conversion Colombia - Barranquilla city EPSG May 19, 2013
conversion Barrow Island Grid 1994 Open 10425 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG Replaced by BIO2020. July 17, 2023
conversion Barrow Island Grid 2020 Open 7994 conversion Australia - Western Australia… EPSG July 17, 2023
conversion Bay of Plenty 2000 Open 17932 conversion New Zealand - North Island - B… EPSG Replaces Bay of Plenty Circuit… January 25, 2011
conversion Bay of Plenty Circuit Open 17902 conversion New Zealand - North Island - B… EPSG Replaced Imperial measure circ… January 25, 2011
conversion Belge Lambert 50 Open 19901 conversion Belgium - onshore EPSG Longitude is referenced to the… June 24, 2008
conversion Belge Lambert 72 Open 19902 conversion Belgium - onshore EPSG Rotation from Belge Lambert 50… April 22, 1999
conversion Belgian Lambert 2005 Open 19862 conversion Belgium - onshore EPSG Introduced in 2005. August 5, 2008
conversion Belgian Lambert 2008 Open 3811 conversion Belgium - onshore EPSG Replaces Lambert 2005. August 5, 2008
conversion Belgian Lambert 72 Open 19961 conversion Belgium - onshore EPSG Introduced in 2000. Equivalent… November 19, 2023
conversion Belize Colony Grid Open 5465 conversion Belize - onshore EPSG March 19, 2011
conversion Bermuda 2000 National Grid Open 19849 conversion Bermuda EPSG December 12, 2007
conversion Bhutan National Grid Open 5265 conversion Bhutan EPSG September 6, 2010
conversion Bihar NSF LCC Open 7726 conversion India - Bihar EPSG February 28, 2016
conversion BLM zone 10N (US survey foot) Open 4110 conversion USA - 126°W to 120°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 11N (US survey foot) Open 4111 conversion USA - 120°W to 114°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 12N (US survey foot) Open 4112 conversion USA - 114°W to 108°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 13N (US survey foot) Open 4113 conversion USA - 108°W to 102°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 14N (US survey foot) Open 15914 conversion USA - 102°W to 96°W and GoM OC… EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 15N (US survey foot) Open 15915 conversion USA - 96°W to 90°W and GoM OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 16N (US survey foot) Open 15916 conversion USA - 90°W to 84°W and GoM OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 17N (US survey foot) Open 15917 conversion USA - 84°W to 78°W and GoM OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 18N (US survey foot) Open 4118 conversion USA - 78°W to 72°W EPSG Sometimes locally referred to… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 19N (US survey foot) Open 4119 conversion USA - 72°W to 66°W EPSG Sometimes locally referred to… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 1N (US survey foot) Open 4101 conversion USA - 180°W to 174°W - AK, OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 2N (US survey foot) Open 4102 conversion USA - 174°W to 168°W - AK, OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 3N (US survey foot) Open 4103 conversion USA - 168°W to 162°W - AK, OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 4N (US survey foot) Open 4104 conversion USA - 162°W to 156°W - AK, OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 59N (US survey foot) Open 4186 conversion USA - west of 174°E - AK, OCS EPSG Sometimes locally referred to… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 5N (US survey foot) Open 4105 conversion USA - 156°W to 150°W - AK, OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 60N (US survey foot) Open 4187 conversion USA - 174°E to 180°E - AK, OCS EPSG Sometimes locally referred to… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 6N (US survey foot) Open 4106 conversion USA - 150°W to 144°W - AK, OCS EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 7N (US survey foot) Open 4107 conversion USA - 144°W to 138°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 8N (US survey foot) Open 4108 conversion USA - 138°W to 132°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion BLM zone 9N (US survey foot) Open 4109 conversion USA - 132°W to 126°W EPSG US survey foot form of UTM zon… November 22, 2023
conversion Bluff 2000 Open 17958 conversion New Zealand - South and Stewar… EPSG Replaces Bluff Circuit (code 1… January 25, 2011
conversion Bluff Circuit Open 17928 conversion New Zealand - South and Stewar… EPSG Replaced Imperial measure circ… January 25, 2011
conversion Bogota urban grid Open 6215 conversion Colombia - Bogota city EPSG May 19, 2013
conversion Bonaire Transverse Mercator Open 10757 conversion BES Islands - Bonaire onshore EPSG January 21, 2025
conversion Borchgrevink Coast Lambert Conformal 2000 Open 5476 conversion Antarctica - Borchgrevink Coas… EPSG March 21, 2011
conversion Borneo RSO Open 19894 conversion Asia - Brunei and East Malaysi… EPSG Replaces RSO Borneo (proj code… November 2, 2010
conversion Bosnia and Herzegovina Transverse Mercator Open 10325 conversion Bosnia and Herzegovina EPSG Replaces Balkans TM zones in B… May 3, 2023
conversion Brazil Polyconic Open 19941 conversion Brazil EPSG October 20, 1999
conversion Brenner Base Tunnel TM Open 10476 conversion Europe - Brenner EPSG Also defined with latitude of… September 28, 2023
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
vertical Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002 Open 1123 vertical Puerto Rico - onshore EPSG Replaces all earlier vertical… October 26, 2013
geodetic Pulkovo 1942 Open 6284 geodetic Europe - FSU onshore EPSG September 24, 2008
geodetic Pulkovo 1942(58) Open 6179 geodetic Europe - onshore - eastern - S… EPSG 1956 international adjustment… September 24, 2008
geodetic Pulkovo 1942(83) Open 6178 geodetic Europe - onshore - eastern - S… EPSG 1983 international adjustment… January 5, 2012
geodetic Pulkovo 1995 Open 6200 geodetic Russia EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Qatar 1948 Open 6286 geodetic Qatar - onshore EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Qatar 1974 Open 6285 geodetic Qatar EPSG April 20, 2018
geodetic Qatar National Datum 1995 Open 6614 geodetic Qatar - onshore EPSG June 28, 2002
geodetic Qornoq 1927 Open 6194 geodetic Greenland - west coast EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical Raiatea SAU 2001 Open 5198 vertical French Polynesia - Society Isl… EPSG Included as part of NGPF - see… August 12, 2005
vertical Ras Ghumays Open 1146 vertical UAE - Abu Dhabi - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. January 26, 2015
geodetic Rassadiran Open 6153 geodetic Iran - Taheri refinery EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Rauenberg Datum/83 Open 6745 geodetic Germany - Saxony EPSG RD/83 is the realization of DH… July 14, 2017
geodetic RBEPP12 Intermediate Reference Frame Open 1352 geodetic UK - Reading to Penzance EPSG Created in 2022 to support int… January 17, 2023
geodetic Red Geodesica de Canarias 1995 Open 1035 geodetic Spain - Canary Islands EPSG Replaces Pico de las Nieves 19… July 1, 2020
dynamic geodetic Red Geodesica Para Mineria en Chile Open 1304 dynamic geodetic Chile EPSG February 5, 2021
geodetic Red Geodesica Venezolana Open 6189 geodetic Venezuela EPSG May 29, 2018
geodetic Reference System de Angola 2013 Open 1220 geodetic Angola EPSG Established through daily PPP… December 4, 2018
geodetic Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991 Open 1047 geodetic Caribbean - French Antilles EPSG Replaces Fort Marigot and Sain… May 9, 2011
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de la Polynesie Francaise Open 6687 geodetic French Polynesia EPSG Replaces Tahaa 54 (datum code… August 18, 2006
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de la RDC 2005 Open 1033 geodetic Congo DR (Zaire) - south EPSG September 16, 2016
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de la Reunion 1992 Open 6627 geodetic Reunion EPSG Replaces Piton des Neiges (cod… September 16, 2016
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de Mayotte 2004 Open 1036 geodetic Mayotte EPSG Replaces Combani 1950 (datum c… October 2, 2009
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 2015 Open 1357 geodetic New Caledonia EPSG Replaces RGNC91-93. March 31, 2023
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 91-93 Open 6749 geodetic New Caledonia EPSG Replaced by RGNC15 (datum code… March 31, 2023
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de Saint Pierre et Miquelon 2006 Open 1038 geodetic St Pierre and Miquelon EPSG Replaces Saint Pierre et Mique… October 2, 2009
geodetic Reseau Geodesique de Wallis et Futuna 1996 Open 1223 geodetic Wallis and Futuna EPSG February 27, 2019
geodetic Reseau Geodesique des Antilles Francaises 2009 Open 1073 geodetic Caribbean - French Antilles EPSG Replaces RRAF91 in Martinique… March 23, 2011
geodetic Reseau Geodesique des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises 2007 Open 1113 geodetic French Southern and Antarctic… EPSG Replaces IGN 1963-64 on Amster… June 13, 2017
geodetic Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v1 Open 6171 geodetic France EPSG RGF93 v1 is a realization of E… September 8, 2021
geodetic Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2 Open 1312 geodetic France EPSG RGF93 v2 is a realization of E… September 8, 2021
geodetic Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2b Open 1313 geodetic France EPSG RGF93 v2b is a realization of… December 12, 2022
geodetic Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995 Open 6624 geodetic French Guiana EPSG Replaces CSG67 (datum code 662… November 29, 2002
geodetic Reseau National Belge 1950 Open 6215 geodetic Belgium - onshore EPSG June 17, 2021
geodetic Reseau National Belge 1950 (Brussels) Open 6809 geodetic Belgium - onshore EPSG June 17, 2021
geodetic Reseau National Belge 1972 Open 6313 geodetic Belgium - onshore EPSG June 17, 2021
geodetic Rete Dinamica Nazionale 2008 Open 1132 geodetic Italy - including San Marino a… EPSG Adopted as official Italian re… January 21, 2014
geodetic Reunion 1947 Open 6626 geodetic Reunion - onshore EPSG Replaced by RGR92 (datum code… June 24, 2008
vertical Reunion 1989 Open 5156 vertical Reunion - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. Replaces… September 17, 2008
geodetic Reykjavik 1900 Open 6657 geodetic Iceland - mainland EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical Rikets hojdsystem 1900 Open 5209 vertical Sweden - onshore EPSG Realized through the first pre… July 14, 2017
vertical Rikets hojdsystem 1970 Open 5117 vertical Sweden - onshore EPSG Realized through the second pr… July 14, 2017
vertical Rikets hojdsystem 2000 Open 5208 vertical Sweden - onshore EPSG Realized through the third pre… July 14, 2017
geodetic Rikets koordinatsystem 1990 Open 6124 geodetic Sweden EPSG Replaces RT38 adjustment (datu… November 13, 1997
geodetic Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000 Open 6764 geodetic Antarctica - Ross Sea Region EPSG April 4, 2008
geodetic Saba Open 1379 geodetic BES Islands - Saba onshore EPSG Created in 2020 to support int… February 19, 2025
vertical Saba Vertical Datum Open 1381 vertical BES Islands - Saba onshore EPSG February 19, 2025
geodetic Saint Pierre et Miquelon 1950 Open 6638 geodetic St Pierre and Miquelon - onsho… EPSG Replaced by RGSPM06 (datum cod… January 25, 2011
vertical Santa Cruz da Graciosa Open 1106 vertical Portugal - Azores C - Graciosa… EPSG Orthometric heights. April 10, 2013
vertical Santa Cruz das Flores Open 1108 vertical Portugal - Azores W - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. April 10, 2013
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