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Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Adams and Juneau (m) Open 7528 projected USA - Wisconsin - Adams and Ju… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Ashland (ftUS) Open 7588 projected USA - Wisconsin - Ashland EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Ashland (m) Open 7529 projected USA - Wisconsin - Ashland EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Barron (ftUS) Open 7589 projected USA - Wisconsin - Barron EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Barron (m) Open 7530 projected USA - Wisconsin - Barron EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Bayfield (ftUS) Open 7590 projected USA - Wisconsin - Bayfield EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Bayfield (m) Open 7531 projected USA - Wisconsin - Bayfield EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Brown (ftUS) Open 7591 projected USA - Wisconsin - Brown EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Brown (m) Open 7532 projected USA - Wisconsin - Brown EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Buffalo (ftUS) Open 7592 projected USA - Wisconsin - Buffalo EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Buffalo (m) Open 7533 projected USA - Wisconsin - Buffalo EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Burnett (ftUS) Open 7593 projected USA - Wisconsin - Burnett EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Burnett (m) Open 7534 projected USA - Wisconsin - Burnett EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie and Winnebago (ftUS) Open 7594 projected USA - Wisconsin - Calumet, Fon… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie and Winnebago (m) Open 7535 projected USA - Wisconsin - Calumet, Fon… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 19, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Chippewa (ftUS) Open 7595 projected USA - Wisconsin - Chippewa EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Chippewa (m) Open 7536 projected USA - Wisconsin - Chippewa EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Clark (ftUS) Open 7596 projected USA - Wisconsin - Clark EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Clark (m) Open 7537 projected USA - Wisconsin - Clark EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Columbia (ftUS) Open 7597 projected USA - Wisconsin - Columbia EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Columbia (m) Open 7538 projected USA - Wisconsin - Columbia EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Crawford (ftUS) Open 7598 projected USA - Wisconsin - Crawford EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Crawford (m) Open 7539 projected USA - Wisconsin - Crawford EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Dane (ftUS) Open 7599 projected USA - Wisconsin - Dane EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Dane (m) Open 7540 projected USA - Wisconsin - Dane EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Dodge and Jefferson (ftUS) Open 7600 projected USA - Wisconsin - Dodge and Je… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Dodge and Jefferson (m) Open 7541 projected USA - Wisconsin - Dodge and Je… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Door (ftUS) Open 7601 projected USA - Wisconsin - Door EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Door (m) Open 7542 projected USA - Wisconsin - Door EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Douglas (ftUS) Open 7602 projected USA - Wisconsin - Douglas EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Douglas (m) Open 7543 projected USA - Wisconsin - Douglas EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Dunn (ftUS) Open 7603 projected USA - Wisconsin - Dunn EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 2, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Dunn (m) Open 7544 projected USA - Wisconsin - Dunn EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Eau Claire (ftUS) Open 7604 projected USA - Wisconsin - Eau Claire EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Eau Claire (m) Open 7545 projected USA - Wisconsin - Eau Claire EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Florence (ftUS) Open 7605 projected USA - Wisconsin - Florence EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Florence (m) Open 7546 projected USA - Wisconsin - Florence EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Forest (ftUS) Open 7606 projected USA - Wisconsin - Forest EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Forest (m) Open 7547 projected USA - Wisconsin - Forest EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Grant (ftUS) Open 7607 projected USA - Wisconsin - Grant EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Grant (m) Open 7548 projected USA - Wisconsin - Grant EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Green and Lafayette (ftUS) Open 7608 projected USA - Wisconsin - Green and La… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Green and Lafayette (m) Open 7549 projected USA - Wisconsin - Green and La… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Green Lake and Marquette (ftUS) Open 7609 projected USA - Wisconsin - Green Lake a… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Green Lake and Marquette (m) Open 7550 projected USA - Wisconsin - Green Lake a… EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Iowa (ftUS) Open 7610 projected USA - Wisconsin - Iowa EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Iowa (m) Open 7551 projected USA - Wisconsin - Iowa EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Iron (ftUS) Open 7611 projected USA - Wisconsin - Iron EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Iron (m) Open 7552 projected USA - Wisconsin - Iron EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… October 31, 2015
projected NAD83(2011) / WISCRS Jackson (ftUS) Open 7612 projected USA - Wisconsin - Jackson EPSG Part of the Wisconsin Coordina… November 1, 2015
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (19) Open 15608 transformation Japan - 42°40'N to 43°25'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (20) Open 15609 transformation Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (21) Open 15610 transformation Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (22) Open 15611 transformation Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (23) Open 15612 transformation Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (24) Open 15613 transformation Japan - 42°40'N to 43°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (25) Open 15614 transformation Japan - north of 42°N; west of… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (26) Open 15615 transformation Japan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 140°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (27) Open 15616 transformation Japan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 141°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (28) Open 15617 transformation Japan - 42°N to 42°40'N; 142°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (29) Open 15618 transformation Japan - south of 42°40'N; 143°… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (30) Open 15619 transformation Japan - 41°20'N to 42°N; west… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (31) Open 15620 transformation Japan - 41°20'N to 42°N; 141°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (32) Open 15621 transformation Japan - 40°40'N to 41°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (33) Open 15622 transformation Japan - 40°40'N to 41°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (34) Open 15623 transformation Japan - 40°N to 40°48'N; 139°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (35) Open 15624 transformation Japan - 40°N to 40°40'N; 140°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (36) Open 15625 transformation Japan - 40°N to 40°40'N; 141°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (37) Open 15626 transformation Japan - 39°20'N to 40°N; 139°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (38) Open 15627 transformation Japan - 39°20'N to 40°N; 140°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (39) Open 15628 transformation Japan - 39°20'N to 40°N; east… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (40) Open 15629 transformation Japan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 13… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (41) Open 15630 transformation Japan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (42) Open 15631 transformation Japan - 38°40'N to 39°20'N; 14… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (43) Open 15632 transformation Japan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 139°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (44) Open 15633 transformation Japan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 140°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (45) Open 15634 transformation Japan - 38°N to 38°40'N; 141°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (46) Open 15635 transformation Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 136°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (47) Open 15636 transformation Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 137°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (48) Open 15637 transformation Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 138°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (49) Open 15638 transformation Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 139°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (50) Open 15639 transformation Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 140°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (51) Open 15640 transformation Japan - 37°20'N to 38°N; 141°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (52) Open 15641 transformation Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 13… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (53) Open 15642 transformation Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 13… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (54) Open 15643 transformation Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 13… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (55) Open 15644 transformation Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; 13… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (56) Open 15645 transformation Japan - 36°40'N to 37°20'N; ea… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (57) Open 15646 transformation Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; west… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (58) Open 15647 transformation Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 137°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (59) Open 15648 transformation Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 138°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (6) Open 15697 transformation Japan - 45°20'N to 46°N; 141°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (60) Open 15649 transformation Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 139°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (61) Open 15650 transformation Japan - 36°N to 36°40'N; 140°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (62) Open 15651 transformation Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 132°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (63) Open 15652 transformation Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 133°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (64) Open 15653 transformation Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 134°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (65) Open 15654 transformation Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 135°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (66) Open 15655 transformation Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 136°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
transformation Tokyo + JSLD height to WGS 84 (67) Open 15656 transformation Japan - 35°20'N to 36°N; 137°E… EPSG March 14, 2020
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v6 [SUPERSEDED] Open 8676 point motion operation 1; Canada - onshore north of 6… EPSG File initially published as cv… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v7 [SUPERSEDED] Open 9483 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG File initially published with… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Canada velocity grid v8 Open 10707 point motion operation Canada - onshore EPSG Replaces Canada velocity grid… February 19, 2025
point motion operation Indonesian Deformation Model 2020 Open 9375 point motion operation Indonesia EPSG Estimates dynamic component of… August 29, 2020
point motion operation New Caledonia velocity model 2015 Open 10323 point motion operation New Caledonia - Belep, Grande… EPSG March 31, 2023
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Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
concatenated operation ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (2) [SUPERSEDED] Open 9101 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 17, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF2014 to NZGD2000 (3) Open 9102 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation ITRF97 to NZGD2000 (1) Open 9091 concatenated operation New Zealand - onshore and near… EPSG Step 1 is in geocentric coordi… July 11, 2019
concatenated operation Kertau (RSO) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8659 concatenated operation Asia - Malaysia (west) and Sin… EPSG Step 1 is necessary to rescale… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation KKJ to EUREF-FIN (3) Open 10778 concatenated operation Finland - onshore EPSG Recommended transformation bet… January 21, 2025
concatenated operation KOC CD height to KOC WD depth (1) Open 7986 concatenated operation Kuwait - onshore EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation KOC CD height to KOC WD depth (ft) (1) Open 7987 concatenated operation Kuwait - onshore EPSG April 20, 2021
concatenated operation Kousseri to WGS 84 (1) Open 8632 concatenated operation Cameroon - N'Djamena area EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Lao 1993 to WGS 84 (1) Open 8652 concatenated operation Laos EPSG Can be implemented as a geocen… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Lisbon (Lisbon) to WGS 84 (2) Open 5838 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Lisbon 1890 (Lisbon) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8648 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Lisbon 1890 (Lisbon) to WGS 84 (2) Open 8649 concatenated operation Portugal - mainland - onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Madrid 1870 (Madrid) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8241 concatenated operation Spain - mainland onshore EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Makassar (Jakarta) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8638 concatenated operation Indonesia - Sulawesi SW EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Manoca 1962 to WGS 84 (2) Open 8655 concatenated operation Cameroon - coastal area EPSG Derived via WGS 72BE. Can be i… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation MGI (Ferro) to WGS 84 (1) Open 3966 concatenated operation Europe - former Yugoslavia ons… EPSG Accuracy estimate is not avail… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation MGI (Ferro) to WGS 84 (2) Open 3896 concatenated operation Austria EPSG March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Mhast (offshore) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8656 concatenated operation Africa - Angola (Cabinda) and… EPSG Derived via WGS 72BE. Can be i… March 14, 2020
concatenated operation Monte Mario (Rome) to WGS 84 (1) Open 8175 concatenated operation Italy - Sardinia onshore EPSG Accuracy 25m in each axis. March 14, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to ITRF2014 (1) Open 9103 concatenated operation USA - GoM OCS EPSG For use with legacy data - see… June 13, 2019
concatenated operation NAD27 to ITRF2014 (2) Open 9104 concatenated operation USA - GoM OCS EPSG For use in new operations - se… June 13, 2019
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(CSRS)v4 (3) Open 9336 concatenated operation Canada - Alberta EPSG Can be taken as an approximate… January 31, 2020
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (1) Open 8460 concatenated operation USA - Alabama EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (10) Open 8469 concatenated operation USA - Kentucky EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (11) Open 8470 concatenated operation USA - Louisiana EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (12) Open 8471 concatenated operation USA - Delaware and Maryland EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (13) Open 8472 concatenated operation USA - Maine EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (14) Open 8473 concatenated operation USA - Michigan EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (15) Open 8474 concatenated operation USA - Mississippi EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (16) Open 8475 concatenated operation USA - Nebraska EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (17) Open 8476 concatenated operation USA - New England - south (CT,… EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (18) Open 8477 concatenated operation USA - New Mexico EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (19) Open 8478 concatenated operation USA - New York EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (2) Open 8461 concatenated operation USA - Arizona EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (20) Open 8479 concatenated operation USA - North Dakota EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (21) Open 8480 concatenated operation USA - Oklahoma EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (22) Open 6739 concatenated operation USA - South Dakota EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… September 18, 2014
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (23) Open 8483 concatenated operation USA - Tennessee EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (24) Open 8484 concatenated operation USA - Texas east of 100°W EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (25) Open 8485 concatenated operation USA - Texas west of 100°W EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (26) Open 8486 concatenated operation USA - Virginia EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (27) Open 8487 concatenated operation USA - Oregon and Washington EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (28) Open 8488 concatenated operation USA - Wisconsin EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (29) Open 8489 concatenated operation USA - Wyoming EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (3) Open 8462 concatenated operation USA - California - north of 36… EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… October 20, 1999
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (30) Open 8509 concatenated operation USA - Indiana EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (31) Open 8510 concatenated operation USA - Kansas EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (32) Open 8511 concatenated operation USA - Nevada EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (33) Open 8512 concatenated operation USA - Ohio EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
concatenated operation NAD27 to NAD83(HARN) (34) Open 8513 concatenated operation USA - Utah EPSG May be taken as approximate tr… January 6, 2000
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 102E Open 16394 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 34N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 108E Open 16396 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 36N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E Open 16398 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 120E Open 16170 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 40N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 126E Open 16172 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 42N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 12E Open 16364 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 4N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 132E Open 16174 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 44N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 138E Open 16176 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 46N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 144E Open 16178 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 48N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 150E Open 16180 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 50N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 156E Open 16182 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 52N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 162E Open 16184 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 54N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 168E Open 16186 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 56N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 168W Open 16194 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 64N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 174E Open 16188 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 58N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 174W Open 16192 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 62N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 180E Open 16190 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 60N… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 18E Open 16366 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 6N… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 24E Open 16368 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 8N… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 30E Open 16370 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 10N… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 36E Open 16372 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 12N… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 42E Open 16374 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 14N… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 48E Open 16376 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 16N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 54E Open 16378 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 18N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 60E Open 16380 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 20N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 66E Open 16382 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 22N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 6E Open 16362 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 2N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 72E Open 16384 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 24N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 78E Open 16386 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 26N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 84E Open 16388 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 28N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 90E Open 16390 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 30N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 96E Open 16392 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 32N… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 1 Open 16261 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 10 Open 16270 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 11 Open 16271 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 12 Open 16272 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 13 Open 16273 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 14 Open 16274 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 15 Open 16275 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 16 Open 16276 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 17 Open 16277 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 18 Open 16278 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 19 Open 16279 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 2 Open 16262 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… July 6, 2021
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 20 Open 16280 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 21 Open 16281 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 22 Open 16282 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 23 Open 16283 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 24 Open 16284 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
conversion 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 25 Open 16285 conversion World - N hemisphere - 3-degre… EPSG Also found with zone truncated… June 22, 2002
Items per page:
Sort Ascending Name Code Type Extent Data Source Remarks Revision Date
geodetic Abidjan 1987 Open 6143 geodetic Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) EPSG December 15, 2016
geodetic AbInvA96_2020 Intermediate Reference Frame Open 1273 geodetic UK - Aberdeen to Inverness EPSG Created in 2020 to support int… June 16, 2020
geodetic Accra Open 6168 geodetic Ghana EPSG Replaced in 1978 by Leigon dat… June 24, 2008
geodetic Aden 1925 Open 1135 geodetic Yemen - South Yemen - mainland EPSG July 30, 2014
geodetic Adindan Open 6201 geodetic Africa - Eritrea, Ethiopia, So… EPSG The 12th parallel traverse of… April 22, 2015
geodetic Afgooye Open 6205 geodetic Somalia - onshore EPSG January 5, 2012
geodetic Agadez Open 6206 geodetic Niger EPSG June 2, 1995
geodetic Ain el Abd 1970 Open 6204 geodetic Asia - Middle East - Bahrain,… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical AIOC 1995 Open 5133 vertical Azerbaijan - offshore and Sang… EPSG AIOC 1995 datum is 1.7m above… February 12, 2002
geodetic Albanian 1987 Open 6191 geodetic Albania - onshore EPSG November 21, 2014
vertical Alboran Open 1363 vertical Spain - Alboran EPSG Orthometric heights. June 30, 2023
vertical Alicante Open 5180 vertical Spain and Gibraltar - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. July 24, 2020
geodetic American Samoa 1962 Open 6169 geodetic American Samoa - 2 main island… EPSG June 24, 2008
vertical American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002 Open 1125 vertical American Samoa - Tutuila islan… EPSG Replaces Tutuila vertical datu… December 14, 2020
geodetic Amersfoort Open 6289 geodetic Netherlands - onshore EPSG August 31, 2020
geodetic Ammassalik 1958 Open 6196 geodetic Greenland - Ammassalik area EPSG January 18, 2002
geodetic Ancienne Triangulation Francaise (Paris) Open 6901 geodetic France - mainland onshore EPSG Uses the RGS value for the Par… December 12, 2022
geodetic Anguilla 1957 Open 6600 geodetic Anguilla - onshore EPSG April 22, 1999
vertical Antalya Open 5173 vertical Turkey - onshore EPSG Orthometric heights. November 26, 2004
geodetic Antigua 1943 Open 6601 geodetic Antigua - onshore EPSG April 22, 1999
geodetic Aratu Open 6208 geodetic Brazil - Aratu EPSG June 2, 1995
geodetic Arc 1950 Open 6209 geodetic Africa - Botswana, Malawi, Zam… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Arc 1960 Open 6210 geodetic Africa - Burundi, Kenya, Rwand… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Ascension Island 1958 Open 6712 geodetic St Helena - Ascension Island EPSG January 26, 2006
engineering Astra Minas Open 9300 engineering Argentina - Comodoro Rivadavia EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Astro DOS 71 Open 6710 geodetic St Helena - St Helena Island EPSG December 15, 2016
vertical Auckland 1946 Open 5157 vertical New Zealand - North Island - A… EPSG January 25, 2011
geodetic Australian Antarctic Datum 1998 Open 6176 geodetic Antarctica - Australian sector EPSG January 30, 2006
geodetic Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 Open 6202 geodetic Australasia - Australia and PN… EPSG June 24, 2008
geodetic Australian Geodetic Datum 1984 Open 6203 geodetic Australia - AGD84 EPSG Uses all data from 1966 adjust… June 24, 2008
vertical Australian Height Datum Open 5111 vertical Australia Christmas and Cocos… EPSG Normal-orthometric heights. In… August 31, 2020
vertical Australian Height Datum (Tasmania) [SUPERSEDED] Open 5112 vertical Australia - Tasmania mainland… EPSG April 20, 2018
dynamic geodetic Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 Open 1291 dynamic geodetic Australia - GDA EPSG Densification of ITRF2014 in t… August 31, 2020
vertical Australian Vertical Working Surface Open 1292 vertical Australia - GDA EPSG Normal heights. Extends gravit… August 29, 2020
geodetic Autonomous Regions of Portugal 2008 Open 1041 geodetic Portugal - Azores and Madeira EPSG Replaces older classical datum… March 30, 2010
geodetic Average Terrestrial System 1977 Open 6122 geodetic Canada - Maritime Provinces EPSG In use from 1979. To be phased… December 12, 2022
geodetic Ayabelle Lighthouse Open 6713 geodetic Djibouti EPSG January 26, 2006
geodetic Azores Central Islands 1948 Open 6183 geodetic Portugal - Azores C - onshore EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… June 24, 2008
geodetic Azores Central Islands 1995 Open 6665 geodetic Portugal - Azores C - onshore EPSG Classical and GPS observations… September 16, 2016
geodetic Azores Occidental Islands 1939 Open 6182 geodetic Portugal - Azores W - onshore EPSG December 30, 2005
geodetic Azores Oriental Islands 1940 Open 6184 geodetic Portugal - Azores E - onshore EPSG Replaced by 1995 adjustment (d… August 14, 2003
geodetic Azores Oriental Islands 1995 Open 6664 geodetic Portugal - Azores E - onshore EPSG Classical and GPS observations… September 16, 2016
vertical Baltic 1957 Open 1202 vertical Europe - Czechoslovakia EPSG Uses Normal heights. December 25, 2017
vertical Baltic 1977 Open 5105 vertical Europe - FSU onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. Adjustmen… February 16, 2018
vertical Baltic 1980 Open 5185 vertical Hungary EPSG Uses Normal heights. March 9, 2004
vertical Baltic 1982 Open 5184 vertical Bulgaria - onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. March 9, 2004
vertical Baltic 1986 Open 1296 vertical Poland - onshore EPSG Uses Normal heights. Adopted i… March 18, 2021
vertical Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 Open 1390 vertical Europe - Baltic Sea EPSG Realized at the national level… October 9, 2024
vertical Bandar Abbas Open 5150 vertical Iran - onshore EPSG Replaces Fao (datum code 5149)… March 1, 2010
geodetic Barbados 1938 Open 6212 geodetic Barbados - onshore EPSG June 30, 2011
Items per page: