Geographic3D to GravityRelatedHeight (OSGM02-Ire)
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Geographic3D to GravityRelatedHeight (OSGM02-Ire) Open
Coordinate Operation Method Details [VALID]
Name: Geographic3D to GravityRelatedHeight (OSGM02-Ire)
Code: 1045
Operation is Reversible: No
Formula: This transformation involves the application of a height difference interpolated from a height correction model. The model provides height difference values at the nodes on a regular grid of latitude and longitude intersection points. The geodetic latitude and longitude used to interpolate within the grid are not affected by this transformation.

The grid is referenced to a specific geographic CRS (the horizontal component of the source CRS) and interpolation must be made in the latitude and longitude of this system.

Calculation of the height difference is achieved through a bi-linear interpolation of the grid, using the latitude and longitude of the point. This step provides the height correction (C) of the target datum above the ellipsoid of the source Geographic 3D CRS. C differs from the geoid-ellipsoid separation N because a vertical datum is a realisation of the geoid surface, not the geoid itself.

H = h - C

where h = the height above the ellipsoid in the source geographic 3D CRS
and H = the gravity-related height in the target vertical CRS.
Example: (none)
Parameter Name Parameter Code Sign reversal Parameter Description
Geoid (height correction) model file 8666 The name of the [path and] file containing height offsets. "Geoid model" is used loosely in the parameter name. If the offset is between the ellipsoid and the geoid then the offset will be the geoid separation N. When the offset is between the ellipsoid and a realisation of the geoid through a vertical datum then the offsets C will form a height correction surface. A height correction surface differs from a geoid model by small amounts due to the difference between the geoid and the actual datum surface as well as some other assumptions regarding the gravity field.