Affine geometric transformation
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Affine geometric transformation Open
Coordinate Operation Method Details [VALID]
Name: Affine geometric transformation
Code: 9623
Operation is Reversible: Yes
Formula: Note: These formulas have been transcribed from EPSG Guidance Note #7-2. Users are encouraged to use that document rather than the text which follows as reference because limitations in the transcription will be avoided.

General case.

The geometric representation of the affine transformation is:
XT = XT0 + XS * k * MX * cos qX + YS * k * MY * sin qY
YT = YT0 – XS * k * MX * sin qX + YS * k * MY * cos qY

XT0 ,YT0 = the coordinates of the origin point of the source coordinate reference system, expressed in the target coordinate reference system;
MX , MY = the length of one unit of the source axis, expressed in units of the target axis, for the first and second source and target axis pairs respectively;
qX , qY = the angles about which the source coordinate reference system axes XS and YS must be rotated to coincide with the target coordinate reference system axes XT and YT respectively (counter-clockwise being positive).
k = point scale factor of the target coordinate reference system in a chosen reference point;

Comparing the algebraic representation with the parameters of the parameteric form (code 9624) it can be seen that the parametric and geometric forms of the affine transformation are related as follows:
A0 = XT0
A1 = k * MX * cos qX
A2 = k * MY * sin qY
B0 = YT0
B1 = – k * MX * sin qX
B2 = k *MY * cos qY

For the Affine Geometric Transformation, the reverse operation can be described by a different formula, as shown below, in which the same parameter values as the forward transformation may be used:

XS = [( XT – XT0) . cos qY – (YT – YT0) . sin qY ] / [k * MX * cos (qX – qY)]
YS = [(XT – XT0) . sin qX + (YT – YT0) . cos qX ] / [k * MY * cos (qX – qY)]

Orthogonal case

If the source coordinate reference system happens to have orthogonal axes, that is both axes are rotated through the same angle to bring them into the direction of the orthogonal target coordinate reference system axes, i.e. qX = qY = q, then the Affine Geometric Transformation can be simplified to:

XT = XT0 + XS . k . MX . cos q + YS . k . MY . sin q
YT = YT0 – XS . k . MX . sin q + YS . k . MY . cos q

q = the angle through which the source coordinate reference system axes must be rotated to coincide with the target coordinate refderence system axes (counter-clockwise is positive). Alternatively, the bearing (clockwise positive) of the source coordinate reference system Y-axis measured relative to target coordinate reference system north.

The reverse formulas of the general case can also be simplified by replacing qX and qY with q:

XS = [(XT – XTO) * cos q – (YT – YTO) * sin q ] / [k * MX ]
YS = [(XT – XTO) * sin q + (YT – YTO) * cos q] / [k * MY ]

In the EPSG dataset this orthogonal case (code 9622) has been deprecated. The formulas for the general case should be used, inserting q for both qX and qY. The case has been documented here as part of the progression through increasing constraints on the degrees of freedom between the general case and the Similarity Transformation.
Example: (none)
Parameter Name Parameter Code Sign reversal Parameter Description
Ordinate 1 of evaluation point in target CRS 8621 No The value of the first ordinate of the evaluation point expressed in the target coordinate reference system. In the case of an affine transformation the evaluation point is the origin of the source coordinate reference system.
Ordinate 2 of evaluation point in target CRS 8622 No The value of the second ordinate of the evaluation point expressed in the target coordinate reference system. In the case of an affine transformation the evaluation point is the origin of the source coordinate reference system.
Scale factor for source CRS first axis 8612 No Multiplication factor applied to coordinates in first axis of the the source coordinate reference system to obtain the correct scale in the corresponding axis in the target coordinate reference system.
Scale factor for source CRS second axis 8613 No Multiplication factor applied to coordinates in the second axis of the source coordinate reference system to obtain the correct scale in the corresponding axis in the target coordinate reference system.
Point scale factor 8663 No The point scale factor at a selected point of the target coordinate reference system. Used as representative figure of the scale of the target coordinate reference system in the area to which a coordinate transformation is defined.
Rotation angle of source CRS first axis 8615 No Angle (counter-clockwise positive) through which the source coordinate reference system's first axis needs to be rotated to coincide with the corresponding axis of the target coordinate reference system.
Rotation angle of source CRS second axis 8616 No Angle (counter-clockwise positive) through which the source coordinate reference system's second axis needs to be rotated to coincide with the corresponding axis of the target coordinate reference system.