Reversible polynomial of degree 13
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Reversible polynomial of degree 13 Open
Coordinate Operation Method Details [VALID]
Name: Reversible polynomial of degree 13
Code: 9654
Operation is Reversible: Yes
Formula: Note: These formulas have been transcribed from EPSG Guidance Note #7-2. Users are encouraged to use that document rather than the text which follows as reference because limitations in the transcription will be avoided.

See method code 9648 for description of general polynomial formula.

A general polynomial transformation is reversible only when the following conditions are met.
1. The co-ordinates of source and target evaluation point are (numerically) the same.
2. The unit of measure of the coordinate differences in source and target coordinate reference system are the same.
3. The scaling factors applied to source and target coordinate differences are the same.
4. The spatial variation of the differences between the coordinate reference systems around any given location is sufficiently small.

Clarification on conditions for polynomial reversibility:
Regarding 1 and 2 - In the reverse transformation the roles of the source and target coordinate reference systems are reversed. Consequently, the co-ordinates of the evaluation point in the source coordinate reference system become those in the target coordinate reference system in the reverse transformation. Usage of the same transformation parameters for the reverse transformation will therefore only be valid if the evaluation point coordinates are numerically the same in source and target coordinate reference system and in the same units. That is, XS0 = XT0 = X0 and YS0 = YT0 = Y0.
Re 3 - The same holds for the scaling factors of the source and target coordinate differences and for the units of measure of the coordinate differences. That is, mS = mT = m.
Re 4 - If conditions 1, 2 and 3 are all satisfied it then may be possible to use the forward polynomial algorithm with the forward parameters for the reverse transformation. This is the case if the spatial variations in dX and dY around any given location are sufficiently constant. The signs of the polynomial coefficients are then reversed but the scaling factor and the evaluation point coordinates retain their signs. If these spatial variations in dX and dY are too large, for the reverse transformation iteration would be necessary. It is therefore not the algorithm that determines whether a single step solution is sufficient or whether iteration is required, but the desired accuracy combined with the degree of spatial variability of dX and dY.

An example of a reversible polynomial is transformation is ED50 to ED87 (1) for the North Sea. The suitability of this transformation to be described by a reversible polynomial can easily be explained. In the first place both source and target coordinate reference systems are of type geographic 2D. The typical difference in coordinate values between ED50 and ED87 is in the order of 2 metres (approximately 10E-6 degrees) in the area of application. The polynomial functions are evaluated about central points with coordinates of 55 deg N, 0 deg E in both coordinate reference systems. The reduced coordinate differences (in degrees) are used as input parameters to the polynomial functions. The output coordinate differences are corrections to the input coordinate offsets of about 10E-6 degrees. This difference of several orders of magnitude between input and output values is the property that makes a polynomial function reversible in practice (although not in a formal mathematical sense).

The error made by the polynomial approximation formulas in calculating the reverse correction is of the same order of magnitude as the ratio of output versus input:
(output error / input error) = ( output valu/ input value) which is approximately 10E-6

As long as the input values (the coordinate offsets from the evaluation point) are orders of magnitude larger than the output (the corrections), and provided the coefficients are used with changed signs, the polynomial transformation may be considered to be reversible.
Example: See Reversible polynomial of degree 4, code 9651, for general methodology.
Parameter Name Parameter Code Sign reversal Parameter Description
Ordinate 1 of evaluation point 8617 No The value of the first ordinate value of the evaluation point.
Ordinate 2 of evaluation point 8618 No The value of the second ordinate of the evaluation point.
Scaling factor for coord differences 8696 No Used in reversible polynomial transformations to normalise coordinate differences to an acceptable numerical range. For the reverse transformation the forward target CRS becomes the reverse source CRS and forward source CRS becomes the reverse target CRS.
A0 8623 Yes Coefficient used in affine (general parametric) and polynomial transformations.
Au1v0 8716 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au0v1 8717 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au2v0 8718 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au1v1 8719 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au3v0 8721 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au2v1 8722 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au4v0 8633 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au4v1 8669 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au5v2 8697 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au0v8 8698 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au9v0 8699 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au2v7 8700 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au1v9 8701 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Au3v9 8702 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
B0 8639 Yes Coefficient used in affine (general parametric) and polynomial transformations.
Bu1v0 8724 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu0v1 8725 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu2v0 8726 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu1v1 8643 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu0v2 8644 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu3v0 8645 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu4v0 8649 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu1v3 8652 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu5v0 8681 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu2v3 8684 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu1v4 8685 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu0v5 8686 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu6v0 8687 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu3v3 8690 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu2v4 8691 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu1v5 8692 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu7v0 8703 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu6v1 8704 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu4v4 8705 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu8v1 8706 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu7v2 8707 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu2v7 8708 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu0v9 8709 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu4v6 8710 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu9v2 8711 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu8v3 8712 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu5v7 8713 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu9v4 8714 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.
Bu4v9 8715 Yes Coefficient used in polynomial transformations.