Cartesian 3D CS (geocentric). Axes: geocentric X Y Z. Orientations: X and Y in equatorial plane, X positive through intersection with prime meridian, Y through 0°N 90°E. Z axis parallel to mean earth rotation axis and positive towards North Pole. UoM: m.
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Cartesian 3D CS (geocentric). Axes: geocentric X Y Z. Orientations: X and Y in equatorial plane, X positive through intersection with prime meridian, Y through 0°N 90°E. Z axis parallel to mean earth rotation axis and positive towards North Pole. UoM: m. Open
Coordinate System Details [VALID]
Name: Cartesian 3D CS (geocentric). Axes: geocentric X Y Z. Orientations: X and Y in equatorial plane, X positive through intersection with prime meridian, Y through 0°N 90°E. Z axis parallel to mean earth rotation axis and positive towards North Pole. UoM: m.
Code: 6500
Type: Cartesian
Dimension: 3
Order Name Abbreviation Direction Unit
1 Geocentric X X geocentricX
2 Geocentric Y Y geocentricY
3 Geocentric Z Z geocentricZ