Europe - ED50 by country
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Europe - ED50 by country Open
Extent Details [VALID]
Name: Europe - ED50 by country
Code: 1296
Europe - west: Andorra; Cyprus; Denmark - onshore and offshore; Faroe Islands - onshore; France - offshore; Germany - offshore North Sea; Gibraltar; Greece - offshore; Israel - offshore; Italy including San Marino and Vatican City State; Ireland offshore; Malta; Netherlands - offshore; North Sea; Norway including Svalbard - onshore and offshore; Portugal - mainland - offshore; Spain - onshore; Türkiye (Turkey) - onshore and offshore; United Kingdom - UKCS offshore east of 6°W including Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey). Egypt - Western Desert; Iraq - onshore; Jordan.
84.73 °
-16.1 °
48.61 °
25.71 °