USA - GoM - east of 87.25°W
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USA - GoM - east of 87.25°W Open
Extent Details [VALID]
Name: USA - GoM - east of 87.25°W
Code: 3358
United States (USA) - offshore Gulf of Mexico (GoM) east of approximately 87°15'W - protraction areas Gainesville, Tarpon Springs, St Petersburg, Charlotte Harbor, Pulley Ridge, Dry Tortugas, Tortugas Valley, Miami, Key West, Apalachicola, Florida Middle Ground, The Elbow, Vernon Basin, Howell Hook, Rankin and Campeche Escarpment. Also for protraction areas Pensacola, Destin Dome, Desoto Canyon, Lloyd Ridge, Henderson and Florida Plain - east of 87°15'W.
30.25 °
-87.25 °
-81.17 °
23.82 °